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You mus promis you will not loose him. Haf you a knife?" "No," said Mrs. Willoughby, in a scarce audible tone. "Do not mourn. You sall be able to talk to de prisonaire and get consolazion. But come." With these words Girasole led the way out into the hall, and into the front-room on the opposite side. He carried the lamp in his hand. Mrs.

"Aha! Le Capitaine Dooncaine," he cried; "and m'sieu hees sone. I salute you both." "Salute me?" cried my father angrily. "After this night's work?" "This night's work, mon capitaine?" he said lightly. "Vy node. I am prisonaire; so is my sheep, and my brave boys. But it ees ze fortune of var." "Yes; the fortune of war," said my father bitterly. "I do node gomplaine myself.

My father smiled and then unknotted the bright blue silk neckerchief he wore, and accompanied it with a hearty shake of the hand. "Thank you, captain," he said warmly. "And you merci. We go to war some day. Who know I may be prisonaire. I may come to fight against you, and then. Eh bien, ve fight, but you take me prisonaire, ma foi. I am vis ze shentleman, and it is good."

If you are prisonaire se will not try to fly, an' so I secure her de more; but if you are togeder you will find some help. You will bribe de men. I can not trust dem." "Oh, do not separate us. Tie us. Bind us. Fasten us with chains. Fasten me with chains, but leave me with her." "Chains? nonsance; dat is impossibile. Chains? no, miladi. You sall be treat beautiful.

You Angleesh are a grand nation; ve are a grand nation. Ve are fighting now. If ze sloop sail vin she vill come for me. If she lose ze capitaine vill be prisonaire, and behold encore ze fortune of war." "Sir," said my father, "it is the act of pirates to descend upon a set of peaceful people as your countrymen did last night, thanks to your playing spy." "Spy? Espion?

My father took off his hat, and before he realised what was about to take place, the Frenchman had thrown his lithe arms about him and kissed his cheek. "Sair," he exclaimed with emotion, "I am a prisonaire, but I look upon ze Capitaine Dooncaine as a friend." They then shook hands, and my father coloured up as he saw the officer of the frigate look on as if amused.