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Tush, Leidenberch: thinck what thou art to doe; Not to play Niobe weeping ore her Children, Unles that Barnavelt appeere againe And chide thy dull-cold nature. Sleepe on, sweet Child, the whilst thy wreatched father Prepares him to the yron sleepe of death.

Niobe picked her way amongst the vegetable women, fought off a boy who thrust on her a pair of geese, and found in a quiet corner by a temple porch the booth of Dion, who grinned with his toothless gums in way of greeting.

But even while she prayed the child fell lifeless from her lap, and Niobe sat alone among the dead bodies of her husband, her sons and her daughters. She was speechless with grief; no breath of air stirred the hair on her head; the blood left her face; the eyes remained fixed on the grief-stricken countenance; in the whole body there was no longer any sign of life.

What's the use of being pretty, either, when Violet, though she be but a bag of bones, has got the Marquis? I have been out two seasons now, and nothing has come of all the trying. And yet I was the belle of the season, wasn't I, Alice? And now, looking more than ever like a cameo Niobe, Olive stared at her sister piteously.

If the pale widow, whom Captain Richard, in his poetic rapture compared to a Niobe in tears to a Sigismunda to a weeping Belvidera, was an object the most lovely and pathetic which his eyes had ever beheld, or for which his heart had melted, even her ripened perfections and beauty were as nothing compared to the promise of that extreme loveliness which the good Captain saw in her daughter.

And the green willows and poplars by the roadside, which, like mourners by an open grave, had been bowing their heads to the earth, and brandishing their long arms, with their silver tresses spread out on the winds, now stood as if dead, with an expression of dumb grief like the statue of Niobe on Sipylos. Only the trembling aspen shook its grey leaves.

If a man loves prints you have an excellent clue to his character; take for instance, the inventory of mine at College: Four views of the ruins at Rome; Charles Fox; Belisarius; Niobe; and four Landscapes of Poussin; and Claude Lorraine. These last are of constant source of pleasure. I become acquainted with the inhabitants in every house, and know every inch of ground in the prospect.

Passing for the present the Sala di Niobe, we come to the Sala di Giovanni di San Giovanni, which is given to a second-rate painter who was born in 1599 and died in 1636. His best work is a fresco at the Badia of Fiesole. Here he has some theatrical things, including one picture which sends English ladies out blushing.

And Niobe has quantities of handkerchiefs, dozens and dozens of them; she's an awfully funny character." "Oh, I think it would be lovely!" said Patty. "Where can we get the book?" "I'll send you one to-morrow, and you can see if you like it; and then if you do, you can get more." "Oh, I'm sure the girls will all like it; and will you come out to see it?" "Yes, I'd be glad to.

Having eaten cold beef, pickled walnut, gooseberry tart, and drunk stone-bottle ginger-beer, they walked into the Park, and light talk was succeeded by the silence Jolyon had dreaded. "You haven't told me about Paris," he said at last. "No. I've been shadowed for a long time; one gets used to that. But then Soames came. By the little Niobe the same story; would I go back to him?" "Incredible!"