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In the third round I aimed a blow at my adversary's neck with my right hand, but failing in my reach, he returned it full swing with his left, and dealt me such a staggerer on my cheekbone that down I went like a ninepin and measured my length on the floor. "Capital! That was a settler, eh, my boy? Now you can get up and talk sense."

As soon as the astonished tanner saw who it was, he gave Little John a mighty hug around the neck, and lifted him up on his feet, and the two pounded each other on the back soundly, so glad were they to meet again. "O, man, man!" said Little John as soon as he had got his breath. "Never saw I so fine a sight in all my born days. You did knock him over like as he were a ninepin!"

It had just struck two when Ninepin hopped up to her on his wooden leg and told her that she was wanted at the offices at once. "What for?" she asked in amazement. "What's that to do with me? They just sent word for you to go to the office ... go on," he said, roughly. She hurried off. She could not understand.

"Is it true," said one, "that she really wore the college cap? Oh, what will Dr. Butler say if he finds it out? Alice, you cannot mean that she had bare arms, bare from the elbows? Oh, impossible!" "But Alice," said another, "tell me, did she really, really, knock one of those horrid boys down?" "Yes; like a ninepin, so Fred says," replied Alice. "Oh, it was disgraceful.

'He's broken my back he's broken my legs he's broken my ribs he's broken my collar-bone he's knocked my right eye into the heel of my left boot. Oh! will nobody catch him and kill him? Will nobody do for him? Will you see an English nobleman knocked about like a ninepin? added his lordship, scrambling up to go in pursuit of Mr.

That he was called upon to serve his country by good service, if such were within his power, he did acknowledge freely; but not that he should allow himself to be stuck up as a ninepin only to be knocked down! There are politicians for whom such occupation seems to be proper; and who like it too.

Tom, who was nearest to him, chucked down his load and went right at him, and knocked him over like a ninepin. "Well, some of the other drivers or guards, or whatever they call them, ran up, and there was a tidy skrimage, I can tell you. It was ten minutes, I should say, before they got the best of us; and there was not one among them but was badly damaged about the figure-head.

Of course, after my possibly foolhardy threat there was but one thing to do, and I did it forthwith, hitting out with my whole strength, catching the boatswain fair between the eyes, and rolling him over like a ninepin. "Ha, ha! well hit!" exclaimed Mendouca, laughing heartily at the sight of the boatswain as he reeled and fell under the feet of the negroes.

Ass that I had been! Poor wretch that I was! Before the round had well begun I was reeling about like a ninepin. The little knowledge of pugilism I had, or thought I had, was like child's play against the deliberate downright assault of this practised hand. I did what I could, but it was very little.

I sprang to my feet, and, sure enough, the thick-headed ninepin of a gardener was nearing us. "Don't ye trust 'im, your la'ship!" he cried. "I caught 'im in a tree, I did, and he be a bad lot!" Lady Mary quelled him, and he at once went away with his blunderbuss, still muttering his many doubts.