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Nichols took him to a store, bought him a new suit and a complete outfit of shirts and clothes, had Bob don some of them, then purchased a trunk, ordered the things packed in it and sent to the station, finally taking Bob for a drive about the city.

BOSWELL. In the original MS. in the British Museum, Your in the third paragraph of this note is not in italics. Johnson writes his correspondent's name Nichols, Nichol, and Nicol. In the fourth paragraph he writes, first Philips, and next Phillips. His spelling was sometimes careless, ante, i. 260, note 2. In the Gent.

The second building is a store-house, containing provisions for the African squadron, as well as the persons employed on the island; and the third, a house that was built for the Governor, but which Colonel Nichols allows Lieutenant Stanwell to reside in, he being a married man, with a family of five children.

Johnson and he had a good deal of medical conversation. Johnson said, he had somewhere or other given an account of Dr. Nichols's discourse De Animia Medica. He told us 'that whatever a man's distemper was, Dr. Nichols would not attend him as a physician, if his mind was not at ease; for he believed that no medicines would have any influence.

To be sure, it is a culpable neglect to depend on bobstays and gammonings for the security of the bowsprit, but still even this is an oversight which, as my old friend has just told me, may be remedied by 'preventers and lashings. I have written a note to the Master, Gertrude, my dear, be careful ever to call the Master of the ship Mister Nichols; for none, but such as bear his Majesty's commission, are entitled to be termed Captains; it is an honourable station, and should always be treated with reverence, it being, in fact, next in rank to a flag-officer, I have written a note to the Master on the subject, and he will see the neglect repaired and so, my love, God bless you; take the best possible care of yourself; write me by even opportunity; remember my kindest love to your father and be very minute in your description of the whales."

Nichols wrote her: "It is most invigorating to watch the development of a woman in the work for humanity: first, anxious for the cause and depressed with a sense of her own inability; next, partial success of timid efforts creating a hope; next, a faith; and then the fruition of complete self-devotion. Such will be your history." From Mrs.

He rose and suddenly jerked the door open, peered on each side of the corridor, and then sat down again. "I'm not afraid to tell," he said defiantly. "I'm not afraid of anything. I'm safe." The Cuban said to me in Spanish: "This senor is my friend. Everyone who hates that devil is my friend." "I'm safe," Nichols repeated. "I know too much about our friend the raparee." He lowered his voice.

Upon the arrival of the special car at Kansas City, the officers were met by a messenger with instructions to have Bob taken to the offices of the railroad company, as the vice-president wished to talk with him. "There's more of your luck," commented the chief. "Mr. Nichols will probably give you a reward."

Nichols for the east-bound limited to stop at the way-station, and when Higgins and the others saw the ranchman and Bob on the platform, they were consumed with curiosity. "Kidnappin' John?" asked Higgins of Bob. But no satisfaction did he receive, the boy replying: "My sentiments about answering questions haven't changed since the first morning we met, Mr. Higgins."