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Gradually the stream diminished, and its bowldered bed became more difficult to traverse, until, assuming the airs of a leader, the girl commanded him to lay off his pack, at which he pretended to obey mutinously, though thrilling with the keenest delight at his own submission. "What are you going to do?" he inquired. "Mind your own business, sir," she commanded, sternly.

He was only just beginning to realize the comparative unimportance of a retired shipmaster, and the knowledge was a source of considerable annoyance to him. No deferential mates listened respectfully to his instructions, no sturdy seaman ran to execute his commands or trembled mutinously at his wrath.

But please try to remember that a Vestal is expected to control herself at all times, never to act without forethought, to reflect long before she acts, to do nothing unusual, to be very sure in each instance that what she is about to do is wholly becoming to a Vestal." "I'll keep on trying," Brinnaria replied mutinously, "but I was not constructed to be a Vestal.

We must have landed! I want to see!" Cochrane pressed the hand-mike button. "Are we still hooked up to Lunar City?" he demanded. "We can't be, but are we?" "We are," said Babs' voice mutinously. "The broadcast went through all right. They want to talk to you. Everybody wants to talk to you!" "Tell them to call back later," commanded Cochrane.

So they brought the matter, "not mutinously but modestly and reasonably, before William Barendz; that he might suggest it to Heemskerk, for they were all willing to submit to his better judgment." It was determined to wait through the month of May.

One man, indeed, talked very big and very mutinously, swearing that if the others would join him, they would soon have liquor enough, but Mesty gave him his look, opened his knife, and swore that he would settle him, and Jack knocked him down with a handspike; so that, what with the punishment received, and that which was promised, the fellow thought he might as well say no more about it.

"I am taking your mother's place for the present, and I shall not retain a servant who is so disrespectful," answered Mrs. Pennypoker again. "I am surprised at you, Alice, for interfering in a matter which does not belong to you." "It does belong to me, too," returned Allie mutinously. "Janey's a splendid girl, and mamma just thinks everything of her.

Ever since he had discovered that Ann was willing to listen to and sympathise with his outpourings on the subject of his troubled wooing, he had been her slave. Ann came to the rescue in characteristically direct fashion. "Get out, Ogden," she said. Ogden tried to meet her eye mutinously, but failed.

Buoyed up on the whiskey, it glittered in their eyes and yelled mutinously in their voices. "I'm waiting all orders," said Bolles to Drake. "I haven't any," said Drake. "New ones, that is. We've sat down to see this meal out. Got to keep sitting." He leaned back, eating deliberately, saying no more to the buccaroos; thus they saw he would never leave the room till they did.

So at every step we rebel at the shadowy conducting of the hand of God; yet from every stage we arrive at we look back and know the road we have travelled to be the right one though we start afresh mutinously. Lord, what patience hast Thou! I turned my back upon the clamorous ocean and started to ascend the slope once more.