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What a pity you should spoil all by those needless words!" Annie laughed. "Nonsense!" she said. "I didna mean to say anything unkind. Christie mustna be so testy. Don't tell me that you like milk better than tea. Christie will enjoy hers all the better if you take one too." And she placed it before her. "Thank you. It's very nice," said Effie. "But the milk would have done very well."

"Thee mustna say so; we should ha' been ill off wi'out her, Lady day was a twelvemont'. We mun be thankful for that, whether she stays or no. But I canna think what she mun leave a good home for, to go back int' a country where the land, most on't, isna worth ten shillings an acre, rent and profits." "Why, that's just the reason she wants to go, as fur as she can give a reason," said Mrs. Poyser.

I think I should like to go, for some things. The wages are higher." "But so far-away," said Christie, in consternation; "and to leave me!" "Yes, that's what disturbs me. You mustna stay when I go." Christie shook her head. "I suppose there's the same need of my staying now that there was before," said she, quietly.

"Many thanks, Mrs Blair, ma'am," said he, seating himself on the end of a form near the door. Placing his hat beneath it, he took from his pocket a black silk cap, and deliberately settled it on his head. "You'll excuse me, ma'am: I have used myself to wear this in the school, till it wouldna be safe to go without it. At my time of life, health mustna be trifled with, you ken."

There were no flowers blooming on the bare hills in Scotland then more than here. You mustna begin to weary for the spring yet. You'll get down the brae soon, maybe, and then you winna weary." Menie made no answer, but a spasm passed over the face of Graeme. The same thought was on the mind of all the three.

A kind, hard hand was laid on the bright hair of the bonniest of a' the bairns. "You mustna sit down here, my dear. Lie down on the sofa and rest yourself till the tea be ready. Have you taken your bottle to-day?" Marian made her face the very picture of disgust. "Oh! Janet, I'm better now. I dinna need it. Give it to Graeme. She looks as if she needed something to do her good.

Indeed, I look upon myself as an object for commiseration rather than blame; so you mustna look cross, and you mustna look too pitiful either, for I am going to prove to you and Fanny and all the rest that an old maid is, by no means, an object of pity. Quite the contrary."

How mild and bright it is to-day." "But your papa mustna be left to the keeping of fires, and the entertainment of chance visitors. You winna think long with your book, you ken, and we'll be home again before it's dark." "Think long!" echoed Graeme. "Not if I'm left at peace with my book I only hope no one will come." "My dear!" remonstrated Janet, "that's no' hospitable.

Seth had drawn the letter from his pocket and held it out to Adam, who said, as he took it, "Aye, lad, I've got a tough load to carry just now thee mustna take it ill if I'm a bit silenter and crustier nor usual. Trouble doesna make me care the less for thee. I know we shall stick together to the last." "I take nought ill o' thee, Adam.

"Nay, Mother," said Seth, "thee mustna think me unkind, but I should be going against my conscience if I took upon me to say what Dinah's feelings are. And besides that, I think I should give offence to Adam by speaking to him at all about marrying; and I counsel thee not to do't. Thee may'st be quite deceived about Dinah.