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At that point in the mumbled monologue the white-haired driver of the buggy usually paused for a moment, tilting his head, birdlike, to one side, wrapped in thought. There were those shelves lined with countless white figures which also had to be considered. "He must've worked mighty steady," he told himself time and again in a voice that was small with awe.

Freddy was staring below, trying to understand the terrain from this perspective. While Joe was tripping the lever which let the tow rope drop away from the glider, the Telly reporter said, "Both of them used to fly lightplanes for sport. When you started this new glider angle, they must've seen the possibilities and took it up immediately.

"Here's his identification. I had the guards hold him for you. Second-class citizen. Must've had a lot of spare time, to get the luxury credits and purchase authorization for that ship of his." Harwood looked at him, a faint expression of annoyance crossing his face. Then, he glanced at the open door nearby, and comprehension grew on his face.

I'm in the habit o' goin' around stuffin' myself, as this says, with delicate viands, and drinkin' fine wines 'makin' my belly a god. The man what wrote this must've bin intimately acquainted with the sumptuous meals which Uncle Sam sets before his nephews.

"Some thought Barnes must've swallowed a tadpole while drinking out of a spring and it subsequently grew inside him, while others allowed that maybe he'd accidentally eaten frogs' eggs some time and they'd hatched out. But anyway, he had that frog down there inside of him settled and permanent and perfectly satisfied with being in out of the rain.

Then a shot answered from the laurel thicket, he saw the bushes over there stir violently, and he heard Nate's voice say: "He wuz layin' for yo', Si, an' come nigh a-gittin' yo', but I think I must've at least creased him, from the wild way he shot back. Le's go forrard an' see." "I thought I told you to stay back," said Si, more intent on military discipline than his escape.

We're his friends and he left us in the same boat no, he left us out of the same boat. It must've been that something important occurred to him " But it was not convincing. It seemed highly unconvincing, later, because some long-delayed perception produced a reaction in the dinies' minuscule brains. They became aware of their visitors.

"Gone away," said Si, scanning the abandoned camp sadly; "everybody couldn't have gone. They must've left somebody behind that wasn't able to travel, and somebody to take care o' 'em. They must've left some rijimintal stuff behind and a guard over it." "No," the boys assured him. "They broke up camp completely. All that wasn't able to march was sent to the hospital in Chattynoogy.

"On the stern! He's hanging on to the cleat over the main tubes!" "Astro," Roger called, "we're coming back in. We've spotted him." "I heard you!" said Astro. "Must've come back on his own steam. Go get him, quick!" Turning the nozzles of their oxygen tanks, the two cadets shot toward the ship.

"Have you?" asked Simpson sharply, and the same instant regretted the question. The Canadian came closer in the darkness. He shook his head. "I guess not," he said, though without overwhelming conviction. "It must've been just that song of mine that did it.