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A half-pronounced and timid "No," was her answer. "What! not remember moonlight, and Muschat's Cairn, and Rob and Rat?" said he, with the same sneer; "Your memory needs redding up, my jo." If Jeanie's distresses had admitted of aggravation, it must have been to find her sister under the charge of such a profligate as this man.

"But, sir," answered Ratcliffe, "I am sure I couldna undertake to guide you to Muschat's Cairn in the night-time; I ken the place as mony does, in fair day-light, but how to find it by moonshine, amang sae mony crags and stanes, as like to each other as the collier to the deil, is mair than I can tell. I might as soon seek moonshine in water."

But these good qualities were unknown to Jeanie, who, remembering the scene at Muschat's Cairn, could scarce find voice to acquaint him, that she had an order from Bailie Middleburgh, permitting her to see her sister. "I ken that fa' weel, my bonny doo; mair by token, I have a special charge to stay in the ward with you a' the time ye are thegither."

I'se uphaud it's been Robertson that learned ye that doctrine when ye saw him at Muschat's Cairn." "Was it him?" said Effie, catching eagerly at his words "was it him, Jeanie, indeed? O, I see it was him poor lad, and I was thinking his heart was as hard as the nether millstane and him in sic danger on his ain part poor George!"

Thus the whole party were separated, and in rapid motion of flight or pursuit, excepting Ratcliffe and Jeanie, whom, although making no attempt to escape, he held fast by the cloak, and who remained standing by Muschat's Cairn. You have paid the heavens your function, and the prisoner the very debt of your calling. Measure for Measure.

There's twenty men, wi' bow and blade, Are seeking where ye hide." Though Ratcliffe was at a considerable distance from the spot called Muschat's Cairn, yet his eyes, practised like those of a cat to penetrate darkness, could mark that Robertson had caught the alarm.

He gave her the message he had received from a stranger he had met an hour or two before, to the effect that she must meet him that night alone at Muschat's cairn at moonrise. "Tell him," said Jeannie hastily, "I will certainly come"; and to all Butler's entreaties and expostulations would give no explanation.

I should faint did I name the name you are most dearly bound to loathe and to detest. Think remember!" A terrible recollection flashed on Jeanie, which every tone of the speaker confirmed, and which his next words rendered certainty. "Be composed remember Muschat's Cairn, and the moonlight night!" Jeanie sunk down on a chair with clasped hands, and gasped in agony.

By way of an outpost, you can single out the little peak-roofed lodge, over which Rizzio's murderers made their escape, and where Queen Mary herself, according to gossip, bathed in white wine to entertain her loveliness. Behind and overhead, lie the Queen's Park, from Muschat's Cairn to Dumbiedykes, St.

Thus the whole party were separated, and in rapid motion of flight or pursuit, excepting Ratcliffe and Jeanie, whom, although making no attempt to escape, he held fast by the cloak, and who remained standing by Muschat's Cairn. You have paid the heavens your function, and the prisoner the very debt of your calling. Measure for Measure.