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Learn all you can, and tell other people how to make healthy bodies and happy souls by eating good plain food. Not like this, though these rolls are better than cake. I have to work my way up to the perfect loaf, you know; and then, oh, then, I'm a happy thing." "What happens then? Do you go on to some other wonderful place?" asked Lily, as Muffin paused with a smile on his face.

'I'm very sorry, dear, but you remember I told you I'm in a hurry.... I've an appointment at Landi's studio. 'Landi? And who is that? 'You know him the composer Sir Tito. 'Oh, darling Sir Tito! Of course I do know him! She smiled reminiscently. 'Won't you have anything to eat, dear? Do have a muffin! Oh, bother, there are none. I wonder how it is cook always forgets?

And when a man with bulgy legs, and a rough voice, and a heavy basket on his head that crushed his hat into a mere black muffin, came crying flowers down Princess's Place, making his timid little roots of daisies shudder in the vibration of every yell he gave, as though he had been an ogre, hawking little children, summer recollections were so strong upon Miss Tox, that she shook her head, and murmured she would be comparatively old before she knew it which seemed likely.

That's the mistake my poor cousin Eliza made. She married a muffin man. Of course, what he didn't sell they had to finish up themselves. Why, one winter, when he had a run of bad luck, they lived for two months on nothing but muffins. I never saw a girl so changed in all my life. One has to think of these things, you know."

"A deal o' rubbish was spoken, I daresay," observed the captain, commencing to another muffin, and demanding more tea. "A deal of something was spoken, at all events," said Sam, "and what is more to the point, an amazing deal was done. Come, before speaking about it, let me propose a toast Success to Batteries and Boilers!" "Amen to that!" said Robin, with enthusiasm.

"That old " began Joel, crossly. Then he caught Polly's eye. "All right, Dave," he cried. "Go on, Polly. And let Dave be the Muffin Man, do, Polly." Polly shot him a beaming glance. "Now that's nice," and she took Phronsie's hand, who was so overcome with delight she could not stand still, but was engaged in making a cheese, and tumbling over in a heap on the grass.

There was a muffin, too, identified and labelled, but without any Latin name, a captured crumpet, a collection of buns, a dinner-roll, and a something novel to us, called Pumpernickel, that we had rather be without, or rather for the expression is ambiguous that we had rather not be without, but altogether remote from.

I like the twilight of the long grey street, sad with the wailing cry of the distant muffin man. One thinks of him, as, strangely mitred, he glides by through the gloom, jangling his harsh bell, as the High Priest of the pale spirit of Indigestion, summoning the devout to come forth and worship.

The yeast must be dissolved in a little of the milk. If desired for breakfast, they must be made the night before; if for tea, set them to rise about 11 o'clock in the morning. When well risen, put them in the tin muffin rings that come especially for them and place in a moderately warm position, letting them stand about an hour before putting in to bake.

1-1/2 c. white flour 1/2 tsp. soda 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 2 c. bran 1-1/4 c. milk 1/2 c. molasses 1 egg Mix and sift the flour, soda, baking powder, and salt. Then add the bran, the milk, the molasses, and the well-beaten egg. Fill well-greased muffin pans about two-thirds full, and bake in a moderate oven for about 25 minutes.