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'The reg'lar routine, he says, 'was arrogated for reasons o' state an' policy, an' any flat-foot who presumed to exhibit surprise, annoyance, or amusement, would be slightly but firmly reproached. Then the Gunner mops up a heathenish large detail for some hanky-panky in the magazines, an' led 'em off along with our Gunnery Jack, which is to say, our Gunnery Lootenant.

However, with their black eyes under their tangled mops they were all so much alike that only their mothers could identify them. And the whole resembled a teeming camp of misery pitched on that spot of majestic disaster, that street of palaces, unfinished yet already in ruins. With a soft, loving smile, Benedetta turned to her cousin.

"'I thank you a whole heap for being so good to me, and speaking kindly to me in the railroad train, when I wasn't so very polite to you." "Weren't you, Mops?" "No; I squeezed away from him, 'cause I thought he was rough and rude." "Well, you can't tell him that."

Let the great soul incarnated in some woman's form, poor and sad and single, in some Dolly or Joan, go out to service and sweep chambers and scour floors, and its effulgent day-beams cannot be hid, but to sweep and scour will instantly appear supreme and beautiful actions, the top and radiance of human life, and all people will get mops and brooms; until, lo! suddenly the great soul has enshrined itself in some other form and done some other deed, and that is now the flower and head of all living nature."

You see, Kit, she has a fearful temper, and she can't help being spiteful." "Oh, fiddlesticks, Mops! Anybody can help being spiteful if they want to." "No, she can't, Kit. She flies into a rage over nothing. And then she's sorry afterward." "Will she be at the Sand Court thing, or whatever you call it, to-day?" "Yes, all the club will be there. Come on, let's go."

"A what?" "Never mind; here we are at the place. Why, Mops, it isn't a house at all! It's a tent, a lot of tents." "So it is! It must be an encampment. Do you think there are soldiers here?" "Soldiers? No! I only wish they were soldiers." As King was speaking, a young woman came walking toward them, smiling in an ingratiating way. Like the man, Jim, she was dark-haired and dark-skinned.

"Savage, brutish people, sir; in general without shoes and stockings, with coarse features and heads of hair like mops." "How do they live?" "The men tinker a little, sir, but more frequently plunder. The women tell fortunes, and steal whenever they can." "They live something like the Gipsiaid." "Something, sir; but the hen Gipsiaid were gentlefolks in comparison."

I'm sorry, Mops, you're so determined not to like the daughter. Mr. Spencer tells me she's a lovable child." "Oh, of course he'd think so, he's her father." "Well, I admit, fathers are a prejudiced class. Perhaps I have too high an opinion of my own brood." "You couldn't have," said Kitty, calmly, and Mr.

The party have descended, with the delicate care of those who essay to perform acrobatic feats in kilts, from bicycles serviceable but appallingly heavy machines of Government manufacture, the property of the "Buzzers," but commandeered for the occasion. The Quartermaster-Sergeant, who is not accustomed to strenuous exercise, mops his brow and glances expectantly round the place.

A gentleman confined in the women's part of the Prefecture, chancing to look down from a high window on the offices of the main building, saw beneath him eight men in the uniform of the Commune, one of them wearing much gold lace, who were saturating the window-frames with something from a bottle, and bedaubing other woodwork with mops dipped in a bucket that he presumed contained petroleum.