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Long after Brummel, Lord Banelagh led the gilded youth of London, and it was at this time that the notorious Lola Montez made her first appearance in the British capital. These three men Nash, Brummel, and Ranelagh had the advantage of being Englishmen, and, therefore, of not incurring the old-time English suspicion of foreigners.

"We've had to come this far with you, Don Luis," admitted the young engineer, dropping all his former pretense of dry good humor, "but you can't make us live under your roof unless you go so far as to have us seized, tied and carried in." "I have no intention of being anything but a gracious friend and host," murmured Montez.

Long after Brummel, Lord Banelagh led the gilded youth of London, and it was at this time that the notorious Lola Montez made her first appearance in the British capital. These three men Nash, Brummel, and Ranelagh had the advantage of being Englishmen, and, therefore, of not incurring the old-time English suspicion of foreigners.

"To think that the British Government should allow us to be robbed by a snuff-coloured rascal like that. Did you ever come across him?" "Who? President Montez?" Jimmy laughed apologetically. "I'm very sorry; but I helped him with that revolution. I was pretty hard up at the time, and I knew something about field guns, so they gave me a job." Mr.

"We will have these limits ruled in with red ink," Montez proposed, "and the deed shall cover the limits so indicated. Yes; I will sell that whole tract of rich mineral land to you, gentlemen, for two million and a half of dollars." "Then," declared Tom Reade, "you will find that you will not regret your purchase, gentlemen." "You are confident of that, Reade?" asked President Haynes, anxiously.

In 1852, 1856, and 1860, as a Southerner who opposed any movement looking toward secession, he was regarded as a possible presidential candidate; but his career was now almost over, and in 1863, while the Civil War which he had striven to prevent was at its height, he died. Lola Montez!

"What would you say," said an angry Bostonian, "if a man from St. Louis, where they have freedom, were to come in and ask you where he could get a drink?" Now it was known that spirits could be clandestinely bought in a room under the roof, and the wit pointing upwards replied, "I should say, 'Fils de St. Louis, montez au ciel."

Here is the narrative: Her Majesty's Theater was crowded on the night of June 10,1843. A new Spanish dancer was announced "Dona Lola Montez." It was her debut, and Lumley, the manager, had been puffing her beforehand, as he alone knew how. To Lord Ranelagh, the leader of the dilettante group of fashionable young men, he had whispered, mysteriously: "I have a surprise in store. You shall see."

It makes a fellow a bit heartsick, doesn't it, chum, to think of the probable fates of two men who have tried to serve us. And what, in the end, is to be the fate of poor little Nicolas? Don Luis Montez is not the sort of man to forgive him his fidelity to us." "And where's Nicolas, all this time?" suddenly demanded Harry, glancing at his watch. "Why, the fellow hasn't been here for three hours!

"We can be back long before the next blast can be prepared," replied Montez. "Carlos, lead the way to tunnel number four." The secretary turned, retracing his steps, Don Luis bringing up the rear. "Oho! I have dropped my cigar case," remarked Don Luis a minute later. "I will go back and get it." The others waited near the shaft. Tom wondered, slightly, why Dr.