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There's always other fellows after them." Moffatt's smile was playful. "Well, I'd go considerably out of my way to do you a good turn, because you did me one when I needed it mighty bad. 'In youth you sheltered me. Yes, sir, that's the kind I am." He stood up, sauntered to the other side of the room, and took a small object from the top of the bookcase. "Fond of these pink crystals?"

Again I ask you, is that the case?" A bend of the head gave assent, and Guest wheeled round with a gesture of intense indignation, took a few rapid strides up and down the room, then halted again by Mrs Moffatt's side. "And, not content with cheating and plotting to desert this young girl, whom you professed to befriend, how many of her personal possessions have you stolen?

All these converging proofs of Moffatt's solidity strengthened Ralph's faith in his venture. He remembered with what astuteness and authority Moffatt had conducted their real estate transaction how far off and unreal it all seemed! and awaited events with the passive faith of a sufferer in the hands of a skilful surgeon.

Undine's estimate of people had always been based on their apparent power of getting what they wanted provided it came under the category of things she understood wanting. Success was beauty and romance to her; yet it was at the moment when Elmer Moffatt's failure was most complete and flagrant that she suddenly felt the extent of his power.

"Just tell me one thing did you never miss me?" "Oh, damnably!" he brought out with sudden bitterness. She came nearer, sinking her voice to a low whisper. "It's the only time I ever really cared all through!" He had risen too, and they stood intensely gazing at each other. Moffatt's face was fixed and grave, as she had seen it in hours she now found herself rapidly reliving.

She had felt almost sure of Moffatt's helping her, and for an instant she wondered if some long-smouldering jealousy had flamed up under its cold cinders. But another look at his face denied her this solace; and his evident indifference was the last blow to her pride. The twinge it gave her prompted her to ask: "Don't you ever mean to get married?" Moffatt gave her a quick look.

It must be imagination, for of what importance were a trumpery hundred dollars to a woman who daily squandered many times the amount on her own adornment! After the Moffatts had departed, Cornelia ate her breakfast, and set out in a hansom to accomplish Mrs Moffatt's commissions before proceeding to shop on her own account.

Mrs Moffatt's gone with her husband to visit a friend who lives quite a good way out, and she won't be back before seven. I didn't tell her of your invitation, as her plans were made, so it wasn't worth while. I'm `alone in London' for the afternoon. Sounds kinder pathetic, don't it; but I'm enjoying it very well." "Then er am I to have the pleasure of taking you alone?"

Marvell I've been waiting to say a word to you." If it had been any one else she would have passed on; but Moffatt's voice had always a detaining power. Even now that she knew him to be defeated and negligible, the power asserted itself, and she paused to say: "I'm afraid I can't stop I'm late for an engagement."

For a moment Cornelia appeared on the point of refusing, but she changed her mind, and without a word led the way down the corridor towards her own bedroom. Her dressing-case stood on a table by the window; she stood over it uncertainly, as if still debating with herself whether she should or should not obey Guest's command, and as she did so Mrs Moffatt's voice broke the silence