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If the mine-owner was not reading the letter, he was pondering, unmoved, over a course of action, and took his time. Dick thought bitterly, in a flash, of all that it represented.

Barry Creston, the giver of this party, was one of the sons of "Dan" Creston, the mine-owner and "railroad-king", who a short while before had been elected senator from a Western state under circumstances of great scandal. "The old man's a hard character, I guess," said Miss Lewis; "but you must not believe all you read in the papers about Barry."

"There is only one explanation to be made," said the ex-building-and-loan president, brazenly. "A few of us who were the officers of the company were the heaviest losers, and we felt that we were entitled to the scraps and leavings." "In other words, you looted the treasury among you," said Lidgerwood coldly. "Is that it, Mr. Flemister?" The mine-owner laughed easily.

He sucked up, thinking at first she might be the wife of the English field officer who had been ordered down from the north to take over the Gueldersdorp command. Then he found she was only the grey mare of an officer of the Staff.... She plied Van Busch in his triple character of politician, patriot, and mine-owner with questions.

The pious mine-owner was glad to see him; his manner was not at all what it had been when Bill worked for him. His words of greeting fairly trickled prune juice and honey. "Say, Doc, I got a load on my chest! I'm a strayed lamb and you being a sort of shepherd I turns to you," Bill began. "I trust you have not come in vain." The ex-missionary beamed benignly.

And again the sponge was busily plied, and then the grimy nurse glanced upward at Cullin, now shinning down from his perch in the skylight. "His home's right ahead at Argenta. Breifogle's the name." "Breifogle!" shouted Cullin, aghast. "Why, that's the big brewer, banker, mine-owner, and Lord knows what all that owns half of Yampah County and wants to own the rest. Could he tell who slugged him?

A few paces led us to the prospecting shaft, a native pit squared and timbered by Mr. Cornish. He was assisted by Mr. James B. Ross, 'practical miner, working manager, and mine-owner for the last twenty years in Queensland, Australia. He thus describes himself in the very able report which he sent to his company; and I am glad to hear that he has returned to the Gold Coast.

It touched on chances of gigantic wealth flung before eyes that could not see, or missed by the merest accident of time and travel; and through the mad shift of things, sometimes on horseback, more often afoot, now rich, now poor, in and out, and back and forth, deck-hand, train-hand, contractor, boarding-house keeper, journalist, engineer, drummer, real-estate agent, politician, dead-beat, rum-seller, mine-owner, speculator, cattle-man, or tramp, moved Harvey Cheyne, alert and quiet, seeking his own ends, and, so he said, the glory and advancement of his country.

"Was he cracked when you used to know him on Frenchman Creek?" countered the young man. Macdonald shot a quick, slant look at him. The old man had been talking, had he? "He was cracked and broke too," laughed the mine-owner hardily. "Cracked when he came, broke when he left." "Yes, that was one of the stories he told me." Gordon turned to Sheba. "You should meet the old man, Miss O'Neill.

Though a well-to-do mine-owner, he wore as always the rough clothes of a prospector. He came promptly to the object of his call. "I don't know whether this is where I should have come or not. Are you folks for young Elliot or are you for Selfridge?" he demanded. "If you put it that way, we're for Elliot," smiled Peter. "All right. Let me put it another way. You work for Mac.