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They don't take the place of turkey, but they are good vittles. "Dito for the hens that lay eggs so we cant kill them for Thanksgiving dinner. "Dito for the eggs. They meen muny, Gale says. "Dito for the hot biskits we are going to have for supper. "Dito cause this paper wont hold any more. My hand akes. "Amen. Peace Greenfield."

Under this Jack wrote: Thinking of the August delivery. The next entry was this: May 1st. Wilfred G. is pritty meen, he thinks he knows it all. they aint goin to lay all in a hurry. There seemed to be no doubt about this. They certainly were not. In spite of bran mashes, pepper, cotton batting, blue veil and tender care, they refused to even consider the question of laying.

And I sez to Josiah, "Do you remember the case of Deacon Widrig over in Loontown. He wuz rich and influential, and when he wuz complained of, and the meetin' house sot on him, they sot light, and you know it, Josiah Allen. And he was kep in the church, the meen old creeter. And Miss Henn is a widder and poor."

The archers doffed caps to them as they passed, for the boldest and roughest dared not cross that line guarded by the dire ban and blight which was the one only force in the whole steel-ridden earth which could stand betwixt the weakling and the spoiler. The little army halted at St. Meen and cooked its midday meal.

And I sez to Josiah, "Do you remember the case of Deacon Widrig over in Loontown. He wuz rich and influential, and when he wuz complained of, and the meetin' house sot on him, they sot light, and you know it, Josiah Allen. And he was kep in the church, the meen old creeter. And Miss Henn is a widder and poor."

Will Osten addressed him in English, and, to his surprise as well as gratification, the Spaniard replied in the same tongue, which he spoke, however, in a most remarkable way, having learned it chiefly from the skippers of those vessels that touched at the port. "If you vill come to meen house you vill grub there."

The baby spits the "Alexandra feeding-bottle" out of its mouth, and protests against the old-fashioned cradle, giving emphasis to its utterances by throwing down a rattle that cost seven dollars, and kicking off a shoe imported at fabulous expense, and upsetting the "baby-basket," with all its treasures of ivory hair brushes and "Meen Fun."

Ah, well! "I am going to fulfil my mission." I said that, again and again, as I stood waiting. "Now. This is it. I take it up." But my blood would not be made to thrill. "This wart must be covered," said a walking-lady in red paper-muslin, touching the mole on my lip with Meen Fun. M. Vaux tapped at the door, a sly, oily smile on his mouth. "We are honored to-night.

"Let me beseech you, madam," return'd I, "by all those cupids in your face and meen, not to scorn to admit a stranger into the number of your admirers. You'l find him most religious, if you accept his devotions, and that you shou'd not suspect I believe the way to this heaven, unlike all others, may be trod gratis, I present you with my comrade."

July 31. tonite a man come down to see father and said i had gumped up behind a fence without my close on and scart his girls. he was stoping at the beach and they come up to Mager Blakes hotel. well father called me in and i told the man all about it and bimeby he begun to laff and he said it was a prety meen trick on me and he shook hands with me and he was glad i dident do it a purpose only he was sorry i got stung.