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Hearing the crash of the club and realizing his attempt on the life of Hina had again failed, Kuna turned and fled up the river. The remains of the great boulder, now known as Lonokaeho, overgrown with tropical plants and with the river rushing through the rift, lies there to this day as proof of Maui's prowess.

Rushing into their midst he caught one of the birds. "Tell me how you make fire or you shall never go free!" he demanded. At first the bird was sullen and refused to answer, but at Maui's rough treatment resorted to trickery and replied, "Rub two taro stalks together and you shall have fire." Holding the bird closely, Maui did so, but only little drops of water came from the stalks.

Sometimes Maui would tire of his sport and, drawing its cord through a round hole in a rock which lay in the center of a small lake near the wind caves, would leave his kite to its own devices while he slept. Paradise Eng. On one such occasion Laamaomao, having received an order for a great storm, forgot all about Maui's kite and turned loose his most powerful wind from Ipunui.

So when she saw this strange object floating in the water near her home on the morning after the storm she recognized it as Maui's kite. Chuckling in vicious satisfaction at this chance opportunity to make trouble for the handsome son of Hina, Puuanuhe hid the kite in the rough hills back of Hilea. Great was Maui's surprise and consternation when he found his kite gone.

At the forks of the Piihonua-Kaumana road one may, however, see the peculiar-shaped depression where it lay for so long before civilization's vanguard swept the tangled jungle of Maui's time from its hiding-place. Paradise Eng. Just mauka of the Hilo Boarding School are three large, rounded hills which, centuries ago, were mud craters.

The grotesqueness of the arrangements of the berths and their occupants grew on me during the night, and the climax was put upon it when a gentleman coming down in the early morning asked me if I knew that I was using the Governor of Maui's head for a footstool, this portly native "Excellency" being in profound slumber on the forward part of the transom.

So far, what is there 'solar' about Maui? Who are the sun's brethren? and Maui had many. How could the sun catch the sun in a snare, and beat him so as to make him lame? This was one of Maui's feats, for he meant to prevent the sun from running too fast through the sky.

How her son, the demi-god Maui, came to the rescue, saved his mother, and finally hunted Kuna from his lair up the river and slew him, is told in the legend, "The Last of Kuna." When Paoa, a very powerful god from Tahiti, came to visit Hawaii he built a grass hut and made his home on the long, low rock now known as Maui's canoe in the Wailuku near its mouth.

All night long it howled through the creaking trees, driving the rain before it in lashing sheets. Stout as it was, the olona cord with which Maui's big kite was moored could not long withstand the strain and finally parted, leaving the kite to the mercy of the winds. Tossed madly about in the storm, it was carried far across the flank of Mauna Loa and dropped into the sea off the shore of Kau.