United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

THE LAPLACE PROMONTORY. A magnificent headland marking the extreme western extremity of the finest bay on the moon's visible surface, the Sinus Iridum; above which it towers to a height of 9000 feet or more, projecting considerably in front of the line of massive cliffs which define the border of the Sinus, and presenting a long straight face to the S.E. Near its summit are two large but shallow depressions, the more easterly having a very bright interior.

Here and there were larger houses built of bamboo, with raised floors, marking the residences of chief men. At last they reached a house nearly a hundred feet in length, and, having ascended some steps, Jack found himself ushered into the presence of a burly negro, who was sitting in oriental style on a pile of mats smoking a pipe.

He should then pace the distance between himself and that animal. After he has done this a hundred times, he will be able to make a pretty close guess by marking how large the beast shows up through the sights. That is, for that one species of game! In Central Africa, where in a well-stocked district there are from twenty to thirty species, the practice becomes more onerous.

Next morning our elephants bore us back to Siemrap through an avenue of colonnades similar to that by which we had come; and as we advanced we could still descry other gates and pillars far in the distance, marking the line of some ancient avenue to this amazing temple.

'Whining are you? said Sikes. 'Come! Don't stand snivelling there. If you can't do anything better than that, cut off altogether. D'ye hear me? 'I hear you, replied the girl, turning her face aside, and forcing a laugh. 'What fancy have you got in your head now? 'Oh! you've thought better of it, have you? growled Sikes, marking the tear which trembled in her eye.

But now fortune smiled upon the North, and its lost hope and lost ground were regained at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. These great battles are justly regarded as marking the turning-point of the war. It was yet far from finished; there remained nearly two years of desperate fighting, with heroic struggles and terrible sacrifice of life, before the end should come.

Fitch did not live to do full justice to his remarkable talent. One of the ablest of recent openings is that of Mr. Galsworthy's Silver Box. The curtain rises upon a solid, dull, upper-middle-class dining-room, empty and silent, the electric lights burning, the tray with whiskey, siphon and cigarette-box marking the midnight hour.

Then setting the string going like a pendulum, she stood back a pace with hands clasped behind her, and snapped at the apple as it swung, sometimes catching it, sometimes missing it, sometimes marking it, sometimes biting it, her body bending and rising with its waggle, and nod, and bob, her mouth opening and closing, her white teeth gleaming, and her whole face bubbling over with delight.

She could not drill; she would not drive. But no honest student could escape the pressure of her strong will and earnest intent. The marking system she held in contempt, and wished to have nothing to do with it.

In this connection it is interesting to note that this motive, in its purest form, is always used in a transitional way, not only musically, but rhetorically, thus "marking time," as it were, while the improvisator chooses his next words of praise. I surmise that the song in its entirety, including the above elemental groups, is the invention of the singer.