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It's a waste of good material being so awfully pretty as Maida, if you're never going to do anything for people to forgive. Yesterday we had been too hot in our motor-coats till night came on. To-day, when we had left Tenda a little way below, we opened our shawl-straps and got out our fur stoles.

Well, goodbye!” She whirled out of the shop and soon the scarlet cape was a brilliant spot in the distance. But about seven that evening the bell rang. When Maida opened the door there stood Rosie.

While we were discussing the humors and peculiarities of our canine companions, some object provoked their spleen, and produced a sharp and petulant barking from the smaller fry, but it was some time before Maida was sufficiently aroused to ramp forward two or three bounds and join in the chorus, with a deep-mouthed bow-wow!

Men and women ran out from dark recesses where they sold things, and from two-foot-wide alleys which the sun could never have even seen, staring at us, and saying "molta bella" as Maida passed. She really was very effective against the rich-coloured background like a beautiful white bird that had strayed into the narrow village streets, with sunshine on its wings.

I never saw them in your face before. Your mother had them, though.” The shadow, that the mention of her mother’s name always brought, darkened his face. “How you are growing to look like her!” he said. Maida knew that she must not let him stay sad. “Dimples!” she squealed. “Really, papa?” She ran over to the mirror, climbed up on a chair and peeked in.

Molly waded out to him, picked him up and marched him into the house. The other little girl had disappeared. Suddenly she came out of one of the yards, clasping a Teddy-bear and a whole family of dolls in her fat arms. She sat down at the puddle’s edge and began to undress them. Maida idly watched the busy little fingersone, two, three, four, fivenow there were six shivering babies.

Barrymore explained that he wasn't deserting the ship; and he walked quickly along by the side of the car, through the bed of sharp stones, keeping his hand always on the steering-wheel like a pilot guiding a vessel among hidden rocks. Maida would have been out too, in a flash, if Mr. I hadn't supposed there could be such a road as this.

The game ended, they left their lanterns on the piazza and trooped into the house. “We’ve got to play the first games in the kitchen,” Laura announced after the coats and hats had come off and Mrs. Lathrop had greeted them all. Maida wondered what sort of party it was that was held in the kitchen but she asked no questions.

Maida scowled a little, and Adelaide did not, and people distinguished them by that when in doubt. They stood and stared at their mother with a curious expression on their sharp, delicate little faces. It was not exactly admiration, it was not wonder, nor envy, nor affection, yet tinctured by all. Mrs. Edes looked at them. "Maida," said she, "do not wear that blue hair-ribbon again. It is soiled.

Billy exclaimed when he saw it and Maida shook her hands, but it was Granny who actually screamed with delight. Much bigger than the living-room, it had four windows with sunshine pouring in through every one of them. But it was not the four windows nor yet the sunshine that made the sensationit was the stone floor.