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The business at Anagni had only been effected spendendo molta moneta; the disastrous battle of Courtrai and the inglorious Flemish wars had exhausted the royal treasury; and the debasement of the coinage availing nought, Philip turned his lustful eyes on a once powerful lay order, whose chief seat was at Paris and whose wealth and pride were the talk of Christendom.

Men and women ran out from dark recesses where they sold things, and from two-foot-wide alleys which the sun could never have even seen, staring at us, and saying "molta bella" as Maida passed. She really was very effective against the rich-coloured background like a beautiful white bird that had strayed into the narrow village streets, with sunshine on its wings.

Foco, foco, Cloth. Molta, Much, or great store. Here, as in many other places before, we perceiued that the currant went with the winde. The land here is in some places low and in some high, and full of wood altogether.

At this place I picked up a few words of their language, of which the following is a short specimen: Two of the words in this short specimen have been evidently adopted from the Portuguese, bassina and molta.

Fu essa Lucrezia di venusto e mansueto aspetto, prudente, di gratissime maniere negli atti, e nel parlare di molta grazia e allegrezza, says Alfonso's secretary, Bonaventura Pistofilo, in his Vita di Alfonso I d'Este. The epithets venusta, gentile, graziosa, amabile, are conferred upon her by all her contemporaries. The wedding festivities in Ferrara continued for six days during the carnival.