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"What do you say, uncle?" "To tell the truth, Richard, I don't mach fancy the Major's widow. I don't like to see her weeds flowering out quite so strong. I suppose you don't care about going, Elsie?" Elsie looked up in her father's face with an expression which he knew but too well. She was just in the state which the plain sort of people call "contrary," when they have to deal with it in animals.

This incident made a very painful impression in America, and led to a series of bitter attacks on Dr. von Mach and the whole movement, which was thus exposed in a most unfortunate light. The favorable report on the milk question was drawn up by a Dr. E. A. Taylor, and definitely confirmed, and, indeed, inspired, by the German authorities.

Neither the politicians nor the prophet had discerned, what Luther and the nations of the North saw clearly, that a fresh element of spiritual vitality was necessary for the regeneration of society; or in other words, that good government presupposes living religion, and not that religion should be used as an engine for the consolidation of empire over the people. Mach.

At all events, the present evidence seems to support the claim that the world is indebted to Judith Leyster for these admirable pictures. <b>MACH, HILDEGARDE VON.</b> This painter studied in Dresden and Munich, and under the influence of Anton Pepinos she developed her best characteristics, her fine sense of form and of color.

They looked soft an' gray with old Mount Savage standin' on guard back of 'em, an' the' was a bigger lump under my necktie than I generally wore. I didn't have mach call to go anywhere, an' I sat there on my old pony, wonderin' whether or not it paid to be game.

Feb. 11. brite and fair. i shant forget last Sunday very soon. Feb. 12. rany today. i dont care becaus i havent got to saw enny more wood. Feb. 13. still rany. i dont care. Feb. 14. pretty cold today. going to have a new kind of speling mach tomorrow. Feb. 15.

Suddenly, nervousness impelling her, she broke in upon his revery: "How wonderful, with such dreams as you must have had, to be educated! How very grateful you must be to Doctor Mach."

Van den Berg himself was received at the prince's head, quarters with much cordiality. He was quite blind; but his wound seemed to be the effect of exterior contusions, and he ultimately recovered the sight of one eye. There was mach free conversation between himself and his cousins during the brief interval in which he was their guest.

Small doses of iodid, however, when indicated in various kinds of sclerosis, have seemed to lower blood pressure. While large doses may have more of this actioli, they are not now under consideration, and large doses are rarely indicated. Too mach iodid has been given for many conditions.

In a recent quarrel which she had with my son on this subject, she said she would retire to Rambouillet or Montmartre. "Wherever you please," he replied; "or wherever you think you will be most comfortable." This vexed her so mach that she wept day and night about it.