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"Faix, sor," said Macan, noting instantly the doctor's change of mood, and grinning all over his face in consequence, "it wor the Cape shmoke that did it. Sure, it obfusticated me, sor, entirely!"

I was never anything great in quadrilles; but if a reel or a jig " "Oh, dear Aunt, don't think of it, I beg of you." "Or even Sir Roger de Coverley," resumed Miss Macan. "I assure you, quite equally impossible." "Then I'm certain you waltz," said Power. "What do you take me for, young man? I hope I know better. I wish Father Magrath heard you ask me that question, and for all your laced jacket "

I would rejoice to be the bearer of this, so as to give your Grace a long account of these affairs and of other notable things, and of the fertility of these kingdoms; but neither the king nor his mothers have allowed me to go, as the bearer will state, among other things. Your Grace may believe him, for he is a person disinterested in all respects, having just arrived from Macan.

No one in fact who had done him a kindness when on board passed out of his remembrance, apparently, on his leaving; for, to the doctor he sent a diamond ring, to Lieutenant Jellaby a lady's fan, which, judging by what he had heard of his partiality for the fair sex, I suppose he thought would please him most; and to Corporal Macan and Bill Bates, who had been especially prominent at his rescue, a box of cigars each, while he also sent to the captain a handsome sum of money for him to distribute amongst the crew as he thought best.

However, nothing was accomplished by this expedition to Hermosa Island beyond advising Great China of Xapon's designs. Several days after the imprisonment of Father Alonso Ximenez in Cochinchina where Captain and Sargento-mayor Juan Xuarez Gallinato had left him, the kings of Tunquin and Sinua permitted him to return to Manila. He took passage for Macan in a Portuguese vessel.

As no one had ever heard of the fair Judith, save one or two of Sir George's most intimate friends, the greater part of the company were disposed to regard Miss Macan as some one who had mistaken the character of the invitation, and had come in a fancy dress.

"Till him they're all right, sor. Faix it's all I can do to hould his arms, let alone his legs, sure!" "Nonsense, Macan," I cried, not able to keep from laughing. "He didn't say anything about his ankles, or legs either." "Thin, what did he say, sor, if ye'll excuse me for axin?" "`Fonde el ancla," I replied, "means, you donkey, to `let go the anchor!"

Larry winked this time a grave wink looked down at the floor, and up to the cornice, and 'Well, said he, 'to be candid with you, jest at this minute half-an-hour ago, you see, it was different the only gentleman I'd take on myself to recommend to you as perfectly sober is Mr. Macan, of Petticoat-lane. 'Is he in business? asked Toole. 'Does he keep a shop? said Devereux.

The sarjint says I wor droonk, but I worn't, sor; though somehows or t'other I thinks it must have been rhum I wor drinkin' at the rendywoo an' not tay as Bridget telled me at the toime, sayin' it wor good fur the stummick an' wud kape the cowld out!" "I don't believe a word of your story," I heard the doctor answer to this long and circumstantial yarn. "Why, Macan, you're drunk now!"

Colonel Vandegobbleschroy. "Mrs. Major Macan and the four Misses Macan. "The Honorable Mrs. Burgoo, Mrs. Flix, Hicks, Wicks, and many more too numerous to mention. The flower of our camp was, however, collected there, and the last words of Lord Lake to me, as I left him, were, 'Gahagan, I commit those women to your charge.