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Maryette shuddered again in spite of herself. The thought of this creature marked with the emblems of death and possessed of ardour, too, was distasteful. "Amour macabre what an unpleasant thought, Karl. I do not care for your Death’s Head and for the history of their amours." She turned and gently laid her head on her father’s knees. The young man regarded her with a pallid sneer.

Amaryllis turned, startled, to look at him, and she saw that his eyes were full of melancholy, and not mocking as they usually were. "A dance Macabre! You do not approve of these tangoes then?" He gave a small shrug of his shoulders, which was his only form of gesticulation. "Tangoes or one steps I neither approve nor disapprove dancing should all have its meaning, as the Greek Orchises had.

"But, in the end, though of course much perturbed about it, I persuaded myself that it was due to some after-effect of the drug, a sort of reaction that gave a twist to my mind and made me read macabre interpretations into words and situations that did not properly hold them." "And, meanwhile, did the presence of this person leave you?" "No; that stayed more or less.

And yet macabre as it was, he wanted to know the reason for his sister's death through his creations. He still wanted to know what had brought her to that park, if it had been her boss who had done this to her or a serial killer, and the motivation. One could read profiles of serial killers on the Internet. He had done so; but even if a serial killer had done this not all of them were the same.

What prompts me to this exordium is the discovery that a few pages back, with a blameworthy hankering after the picturesque, I have grossly misused a foreign word. Those cats in Trajan's Forum at Rome are nowise a "macabre exhibition"; they are not macabre in the least; they are sad, or saddening. The charnel-house flavour is absent.

Nothing but a weird morgue seemed the world, haunted with despondent madness; and exactly like that world about us were the minds of us two poor men, full of macabre, bleak, and funereal feelings. Between us yawned an early grave for one or other of our bodies. I heard Wilson cry out: 'Are you ready, Jeffson? 'Aye, Wilson! cried I. 'Then here goes! cries he. Even as he spoke, he fired.

He never rose to more deadly irony than in such macabre descriptions as that of the poor woman proving her sisterhood with the rich by giving them all typhoid fever; or that perfect piece of badinage about "Overproduction of Shirts"; in which he imagines the aristocrats claiming to be quite clear of this offence. "Will you bandy accusations, will you accuse us of overproduction?

It might have come from the house, or from the slopes beyond the house, But it was a sort of shrill, choking laugh, and it set the ultimate touch of horror upon a scene macabre which, even as I write of it, seems unreal to me. I ran up the path to where Harley was kneeling beside the sun-dial.

Momentarily distracted at hearing the window sliding on a sill, she was unconcerned and returned to typing her handout at the computer in her office at Assumption University when a premonition suddenly shot a cold and macabre sensation through her mind and body. Running to the back of the office, she saw Kimberly in a black rectangular hole of the open window.

Gayety with a rumble and a darkness underneath. But such things were only wilder accents to laughter. If the detachment would leave him, if he could familiarize himself, he could lay hands on something; dance away in a macabré mardi-gras. Two bottles of Sekt had been emptied. A polite Ober responded with a third. Von Stinnes grew eloquent. "Not before March, Mr. Dorn. It will come only then.