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'Canna do that, he would reply; 'I would do a thausand toimes maar for Jesus if I could;" and then brightening up, he would add, "I'd raather wear aat loike gooid steel, than rust aat loike owd iron; and he was true to his word; he did wear out."

He said, "Aye, lads, I could loike to ha' been amang yo' once maar, but th' next toime I cross Salem doorstep I shall be carried over; but ne'er moind, I have seen a door opened in heaven, and I shall sooin go through hallelujah!" At last he took to his bed never to rise again; the time of his departure was at hand.

"Well then, we may as weel let t' fire goa aat first as last," rejoined the good wife, a little ruffled. "Noa thaa shalln't. I loike a gooid foire as weel as onybody; and if thaa grumbles ony maar, I weant go to th' pit agean."

Thus Heinrich, the bell-forger, in the dramatic prose-poem, DIE VERSUNKENE GLOCKE , fails to reach the mountain peaks of liberty because, as Rautendelein said, he had lived in the valley too long. Similarly Dr. Vockerath and Anna Maar remain lonely souls because they, too, lack the strength to defy venerated traditions.

"Why, gotton my things to be sure; I couldn't leave them behind when I'm going back no maar;" and sure enough he had come home with the information as before, he didn't like being bound to any man. The probability is that there was something in the kind of treatment Abe met with in both those cases that helped to set his mind so much against the life of an apprentice away from home.

When he got into the house he threw it down with a crash that startled Sally, his wife. "There," he said, playfully pretending to be vexed, "I'll fetch thee na moor coils on my yead, so thaa needn't expect it." "What's matter wi' the' naa?" she said, looking at him. "I tell the' I'll fetch the' na maar coils," he responded, rubbing his scalp as if it hurt him.

Unfortunately, its outward expression was vague, being limited to a repetition of the following formula "Su'shine all ri'! Wasser maar, eh? Wass up, su'shine?" Miss Mary stopped, and, taking fresh courage from her vantage of distance, asked him if there was anything that he wanted. "Wass up? Wasser maar?" continued Sandy, in a very high key.

He had been told by these people that 'if you take us on the same van with you, we cannot overturn the van without hurting ourselves as well as you. 'Ja, that was true, 'maar, the PRESIDENT continued, they could pull away the reins and drive the van along a different route. Mr. JEPPE, again speaking, said there was one matter he must refer to.

When we have ascended to a considerable height, we see fragments of scoriae sparingly scattered over the surface; until at length, on reaching the summit, we find ourselves suddenly on the edge of a tarn, or deep circular lake-basin called the Gemunder Maar.

You had also a bird's-eye view of the lower end of the farm kitchen, where the wall had cracked, and bulged, and spit out some of its stones. To this eyrie Bough Van Busch retreated when the wall of dust to the south-west gave up the dim shapes of the Advance, and the beat of many iron-shod hoofs, and the roll of many iron-shod wheels made distant thunder, coming nearer, always nearer.... Maar!