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To say that if I had to choose between them and God, I could not be sure. To say that if I had to lose a hundred francs for the love of God, I could not say about that. But I love him well, for sure, I love him all the same." The priest said gravely "You must love Him more than all besides." And Sabot, meaning well, declared "I will do what I possibly can, m'sieu le cure."

"You shall learn whom you are addressing, M'sieu!" "I am dying to do that, M'sieu!" "I am Prince Gregory of Montenegro, M'sieu." Upon this title Tartarin, much excited, cleft the throng and placed himself in the foremost rank, proud and happy to find his prince again, the Montenegrin noble of such politeness whose acquaintance he had begun on board of the mail steamer.

'Good-day, Babiche' 'Good-day, m'sieu'. 'How do you, Babiche? 'Well, thank the Lord, m'sieu'. 'Where to and where from, Babiche? 'To the Great Fort by the old trail, from the Far-off River, m'sieu'. 'Come safe along, Babiche. 'Merci, m'sieu'; the good God travels north, m'sieu'. 'Adieu, Babiche. 'Adieu, m'sieu'. That is about the way of the thing, year after year.

"Play on, baker; but something for convalescence the return of spring, the sweet assonance of memory." "A September air, and a gush of spring," said the baker, trying to crane his long neck through the window. "Ah, there you are, Dauphin! I shall give you a sleep to-night like a balmy eve." He nodded to the tailor. "M'sieu', you shall judge if sentiment be dead.

But he usually ends by falling back into French, which, he assures you, you speak to perfection, "much better than the Canadians; the French of Paris in short M'sieu' has been in Paris?" Such courtesy is born in the blood, and is irresistible.

Françoise could not imagine what it was to Gaelic. People had not Gaelic-ed on the Chaudière, where she was brought up until the children were obliged to scatter from the narrow farm. But the priest had never warned her against it, and since M'sieu' Brownee's mother was addicted to the practice, it must be something excellent, perhaps even religious. She secretly invoked St.

I saw the friendly spirit in the words. "Voban," urged I, "Voban may come to me?" "The Intendant said no, but the Governor yes," was the reply; "and that M'sieu' Doltaire is not yet come back from Montreal, so he had no voice. They look for him here to-morrow." "Voban may come?" I asked again. "At daybreak Voban aho!" he continued.

And he abounded in amiable speeches and ceremonious bows until the last au revoir. "Au plaisir!" called back Gaston, having invoked his jinni. Then, after a last look at the barge, he asked over his shoulder in a low voice: "Who is this extraordinary type, M'sieu Guy? A species of an Arab, who speaks French and English and who voyages in a galley from a museum!"

And that P'tite Louison, she kiss us hevery one, and say to M'sieu' Hadrian, 'Charles, I love you, but I cannot go. He laugh at her, and say, 'Voila! we will take them all with us: and P'tite Louison she laugh. That night a thing happen. The Cure come, and he look ver' mad, and he frown and he say to M'sieu' Hadrian before us all, 'M'sieu', you are married.

When he finished there had been cheering, but in the quiet instant that followed the cheering, a habitant got up a weird, wilful fellow who had a reputation for brag, yet who would not have hurt an enemy save in wild passion. "M'sieu' Carnac Grier," he said, "I'd like to put a question to you. You've been asking for our votes.