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She had blue eyes full of soft pleading, little slender, clinging hands, and a wonderful grace of motion and attitude. "Luella Miller used to sit in a way nobody else could if they sat up and studied a week of Sundays," said Lydia Anderson, "and it was a sight to see her walk.

She rolled her eyes around to see if any one was within hearing, and then said, "I had fear that you would tell him; stay a little, and let me tell you now. I went on after Luella until I found her. I had the name of the white man to guide me. She was living as the pale-faces live, in a great town of many lodges.

Fearful of a rush from the Chinese, I threw one arm about Luella, and, keeping my body between her and possible attack, guided her to the stair that led upward at nearly right angles from the passage. She was trembling and her breath came short, but her spirit had not quailed. She shook herself free as I placed her on the first step. "Have you killed them?" she asked quietly.

Aunt Abby's daughter just give one look at her mother layin' there, then she turned sort of sharp and sudden and looked at me. "'Where is she? says she, and I knew she meant Luella. "'She's out in the kitchen, says I. 'She's too nervous to see folks die. She's afraid it will make her sick. "The Doctor he speaks up then. He was a young man.

"But you can swear," replied Ginsling, "that he threatened to murder me, and was advancing to break through the window." Just then the front door opened, and Luella Sealy ran around the house on the veranda to the spot where William Barton had fallen; for, after receiving the shot, he sank gradually to the ground.

He just grew weaker and weaker, and went almost bent double when he tried to wait on Luella, and he spoke feeble, like an old man. He worked terrible hard till the last trying to save up a little to leave Luella. I've seen him out in the worst storms on a wood-sled he used to cut and sell wood and he was hunched up on top lookin' more dead than alive.

Babbit had just come in to say she hadn't seen any smoke and she didn't know but it was somebody's duty to go in, but she couldn't help thinkin' of her children, and I got right up, though I hadn't been out of the house for two weeks, and I went in there, and Luella she was layin' on the bed, and she was dyin'. "She lasted all that day and into the night.

"But I don't know what they will do with Eva. My half-sister, Luella, was just such a noisy harum-scarum; but she had only boys to play with. Now, she is getting to be a nice lady-like girl." Hanny recalled two visits in Hammersley Street when Luella had kept her in a fright all the time. They went to church Sunday morning, and heard Helen Bounett sing. It was very fine and moving.

I had it real straight that she did. Luella used to just sit and cry and do nothin'. She did act real fond of Lily, and she pined away considerable, too. There was those that thought she'd go into a decline herself. But after Lily died, her Aunt Abby Mixter came, and then Luella picked up and grew as fat and rosy as ever.

She and my Luella should meet and know each other, but if I go home and tell her she may make a scene and hurt Luella's feelings." The moon had risen, shedding its light in Sam's eyes, and he turned his back to the colonel and prepared to sleep. The naive credulity of the older man had touched a spring of mirth in him and from time to time the covering of his bed continued to quiver suggestively.