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But the day after Guardy Lud left, just as the three were sitting together over a great State map of roads, perfecting their plans for a wonderful vacation, which was to include a brief visit to Ellen Robinson at Sterling, a noisy Ford drew up at the door, and there was Ellen Robinson herself, with the entire family done up in linen dust-coats and peering curiously, half contemptuously, at the strange pink-and-white architecture of the many-windowed "villa."

The competition with the mills using the new machinery was gradually crushing him, and it was necessary for him to come to a determination either to pluck up heart and to use his new machines, or to close his mill. At last he determined to take the former course and to defy King Lud. Other manufacturers used steam, and why should not he?

And th' end was the larboard halyards broke, an' the mare gybed, an' to Torrington I went before the wind, wi' an unseemly bloody nose. 'Lud! cries the widow, ''tis the wrong man 'pon the right horse! 'Pardon, mistress, says I, 'the man is well enow, but 'pon the wrong horse, for sure."

Diplomatists win their greatest battles for peace at the dinner-table, because the dinner-table gives abundant opportunity for the "interruption politic." When the argument reaches the fatal climax, and the final ultimatum is delivered, a boiled potato may still avert war: "Now, me lud, I ask you finally, will your government, or won't it?

Halting for a last time at Mary-le-bone, a few miles from the city gates, where they cleansed themselves from the dust and soil of travelling, they rode thence to Charing, along the Strand past Alsatia, the Temple, and Whitefriars, and, crossing the Fleet River, entered the city by the Lud Gate, St. Paul's great church looking down on them from the hilltop.

I wouldn't mind going with you sometimes when I didn't have to study." Julia Cloud stooped, and kissed the eager face, and whispered, "Very happy, darling!" And then they went to the agent again and the telephone. "Guardy Lud" proved himself quite equal to the occasion by agreeing to come on at once and approve their choice, and promised to be there before evening.

After Elidure, the Chronicle names many kings, but none of special note, till we come to Lud, who greatly enlarged Trinovant, his capital, and surrounded it with a wall. He changed its name, bestowing upon it his own, so that henceforth it was called Lud's town, afterwards London. Lud was buried by the gate of the city called after him Ludgate.

And right sorrowful was every Briton there when Saunders closed abruptly the cross-examination of Joshua Fullalove. His lordship then said he wished to ask Vespasian a question. Saunders lost patience. " What, another amicus curiae, my lud! This is unprecedented." "Excuse my curiosity, Brother Saunders," said the judge ironically. "I wish to trace this L. 14,000 as far as possible.

Lud! child, have you forgotten he is in England now, and that there's no fear of his being kidnapped here on the green in broad daylight." The young girl gave a slight shudder and her child-like face became a shade paler than before. Marguerite took her hand and gave it a kindly pressure.

This enumeration differs from that of the tenth chapter of Genesis, where the children of Shem include Elam, or the dwellers in Susiana, and Lud or the Lydians, while the tribes who dwelt in Canaan before the Hebrews are placed in another and a lower division of the human family.