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The Loo is the last where the sugar-cane is growing. The greater part of its negroes have just been ordered to another estate, and ere a few months shall have elapsed all signs of cultivation will be lost in underwood.

This is so unlike him that it fills me with anxiety on account of dear Loo, whom I have not seen since I went to live at Kensington." "Kensington, Fred? I did not know you had gone to live there." "I was just going to mention that when we came in.

Peregrine! you hero of rogues, Count Fathom! what a debt do we owe you! I know not whether it was the reading of these romances, or the want of some sentimental pastime, which led the doctor, about this period, to lay siege to the heart of the little Loo. Now, as I have said before, the daughter of Po-Po was most cruelly reserved, and never deigned to notice us.

Ah! if another such as Napoleon could only arise such as he, but different. Not an adventurer, but a King and the descendant of Kings not allied, as Napoleon was, with a hundred other adventurers." "Yes," said Loo, in a muffled voice, looking away toward the fire. "A King whose wife should be a Queen," pursued the dreamer. "Yes," said Loo again, encouragingly.

Hamlin halted, threw away his encumbering saddle, and, good rider that he was, remounted the horse, barebacked but for his blanket-pad, and thrusting his knees in the loose girths, again dashed forwards, with such good results that, as Van Loo galloped up to the stagecoach office, at the next station, and was about to enter the waiting coach for Marysville, the soft hand of Mr.

Louisa, or, to use the name by which she was better known in the house, Loo, had clasped her hands tightly together while she was in the act of receiving this tribute of parental affection, as if she were struggling to crush down some feeling, but the feeling, whatever it was, would not be crushed down; it rose up and asserted itself by causing Loo to burst into a passionate flood of tears, throw her arms round her father's neck, and hold him tight there while she kissed his cheek all over.

Clubbe was busy enough throughout the day at the old slip-way, where "The Last Hope" was under repair the last ship, it appeared likely, that the rotten timbers could support or the old, old shipwrights mend. Loo Barebone was no less regular in his attendance at the river-side, and worked all day, on deck or in the rigging, at leisurely sail-making or neat seizing of a worn rope.

I was sure you would be out at this hour." "In general I am, but I have had a most fortunate lazy fit to-day." "Why, Loo," said her sister, "I don't know how you always come to know everything. I should not know in the least when Dr. Brunton was likely to be in or out." "That's different," said Loo: "I'm intimate with the doctor."

And he he laughed that was all. Mon Dieu! he was brave. I never knew that any one could be so brave!" She broke off suddenly, with her finger to her lips; for some one had opened the cabin door. Captain Clubbe came in, filling the whole cabin with his bulk, and on his heels followed Loo Barebone, his face and hair still wet and dripping.

Tee Wee and Loo are there, and everybody'll be delighted to have you. In the open air all day, sleep ten hours every night, eat your blessed head off. No mosquitoes. No malaria " "I can't go now, Hen. It's impossible. Thank you just the same." He spoke quite irritably, for him, and Hen, having had this subject up more than once before, desisted and turned to go.