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When he's cutting up at parties I see you standing back and watching him the way a mastiff watches a terrier." He fought for professional dignity with, "Dave 's not a bad fellow." Lingeringly she released his hand. "Will, drop round by the house this evening and scold me. Make me be good and sensible. And I'm so lonely." "If I did, Dave would be there, and we'd have to play cards.

Here, an old Indian legend said, the Hurons were wont to tie a captive while they showered their arrows into his quivering body. The children of the valley could point out the very holes in the old trunk where certain arrows, missing their victim, had lodged. Away opposite, forming the western wall, rose the Long Hill, with a moss-fringed road winding lingeringly up its face.

But there is a season while the brush passes lightly and lingeringly over the long trailing "back hair" when a hint, an allusion, or an insinuation, cleverly placed, may go far toward fanning into flame the embers of matrimonial rebellion.

She wondered if even that had been taken from him by the people to whom he owed money. Once he looked back lingeringly. "Eve must have gone to sit down," he said; and then, in shamed apology, "the poor girl is almost mad, and so am I. You mustn't think too much of what passed between us. We we love each other, and come what may I believe we always will."

When a Pope swept forth from his Cathedral, new-crowned, to give "urbis et orbi" his first pontifical benediction, his eye glanced, it is true, on the crowds prostrate before him, before the church, awed and breathless; but it fell lingeringly it was irresistibly drawn across the swift Rhone to the town of the kings who had defied his power, to the royal city of Villeneuve, and to the strong tower of Philip the Fair, standing proudly in the sunlight.

"Señor West remains with us. You may see him later." Zoraida looked lingeringly at Bruce, shook her head sorrowfully as he appeared to be gathering himself to spring at the man who terrorized her, murmured gently, "Wait for my sake, señor!" and went out of the room. Out of the corners of her oblique eyes, when her back was to Bruce, she mocked Jim Kendric. Rios held the door open for Betty.

They turn lingeringly, stare at each other, and march toward Wilmarth's office. Grandon goes straight to the workroom. Half a dozen men are still at their looms. "O Mr. Grandon!" begins Rising, with a face of the utmost anxiety, but Lindmeyer has a half-smile on his lips as he advances, which breaks into an unmirthful laugh. "Quite a strike or an insurrection, with some muttered thunder!

Inside it was a little volume of recent poems of which he had spoken to Mary Elsmere on their moonlit walk through the park. He had promised to lend her his copy, and he meant to have left it at the cottage that afternoon. Now he lingeringly removed the brown paper, and walking to the bookcase, he replaced the volume.

And in that moment he took her two hands and kissed them, tenderly, reverently, lingeringly. "Was this what you and Eustace were talking about this afternoon?" he said. She nodded. "I had to tell him why I couldn't marry you. He he had been so kind."

To dwell lingeringly over those passages which excite pain without satisfying curiosity, is scarcely the duty of the drama, or of that province even nobler than the drama; for it requires minuter care indulges in more complete description yields to more elaborate investigation of motives commands a greater variety of chords in the human heart to which, with poor and feeble power for so high, yet so ill-appreciated a task we now, not irreverently if rashly, aspire!