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You see, Mick, that handsome lady you're going to lick the stuffing out of me about is only a plumb ornery sassy young boy, after all." "No!" denied Mick, his eyes two excited interrogation-points. "You can't stuff me with any such fairy-tale, me lad." "All right. Wait and see," suggested the ranger easily. "Have a smoke while you're falling out of love."

So for the next half hour he told Tim tales of his own life, the chief glory of which had been his achievements in the realm of sport, and, before he was aware, he was describing to the boy the great International with Wales, till, remembering the disastrous finish, he brought his narrative to an abrupt close. "And did yeh lick 'em?" demanded Tim in a voice of intense excitement.

I laughed again boisterously in his face, but this time there was impatience and a strain of anger too, in my feeling. "Look here now," I cried, "this place is quite queer enough without going out of our way to imagine things! That boat was an ordinary boat, and the man in it was an ordinary man, and they were both going downstream as fast as they could lick.

I've got a job and I'm staying with it. I'll sit here like a horned toad till the boss gives me my time." The camera man beamed. To meet so debonair and care-free a specimen of humanity warmed the cockles of his heart. "I'll bet you're some scrapper yourself," he suggested. "Oh, no. He'll lick me, I reckon. Say, what do they hold you up for at this hacienda?"

And, in the same breath, neither does this country, as a whole, comprehend how big a country is Mexico to lick! Give a Mexican soldado a handful of beans a day and something to shout Viva for, and he can and will fight indefinitely. If I mistake not, it will shortly behoove this country to temporize, to make certain concessions.

But with practically every Spanish-American over here actually participating in a movement for Mexico, all those various factions will coalesce, as tiny brooklets flow together to form the mighty torrent." "Still, she's a big country to lick," Elfigo pointed out, chiefly to see what Holly would say. "Ah, but Mexico does not comprehend that fact!

This shell caught the U-boat along side the conning tower. Iron and steel flew high in the air, and, descending, scattered death among the crew. Thus crippled, a second shot from the Angelic disposed of her entirely and she sank beneath the waves. There were now but three submarines left. "Great Scott! It's a wonder they don't submerge," said Frank. "Wonder if they think they can lick us?"

"Yes, rather amusing to consider where a man would go and what he would do. A man, I mean, whose sole recommendation seems to be that he can 'lick' most anybody, and can 'drink more and stay soberer than any of the sports he travels with." The dull red flooded the man's face at her words.

Him the King employed to go about and bully the corporations, beginning with London; or, as Jeffreys himself elegantly called it, 'to give them a lick with the rough side of his tongue. And he did it so thoroughly, that they soon became the basest and most sycophantic bodies in the kingdom except the University of Oxford, which, in that respect, was quite pre-eminent and unapproachable.

And, by George, she is good onshore, but somehow she don't keep up her lick here on the water gets seasick may be. She skips; she runs along regular enough till half-past eleven, and then, all of a sudden, she lets down.