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Updated: September 21, 2024

The indignation of the Officials knew no bounds. "What, lying asleep here you lazy-bones you!" they raged at him, "It is nothing to you that there are two Officials here who are fairly perishing of hunger. Up, forward, march, work." The Muzhik rose and looked at the two severe gentlemen standing in front of him. His first thought was to make his escape, but the Officials held him fast.

"I have hitherto been a real lazy-bones," she said with a blush. But this morning I got up early, to go and pray in the temple in the fresh dawn. You know what has happened to the sacred ram of Amion. It is a frightful occurrence. The priests were all in the greatest agitation, but the venerable Bek el Chunsu received me himself, and interpreted my dream, and now my spirit is light and contented."

Parpon, left behind, sat on the fence with his legs drawn up to his chin, looking at Elise, till she turned and caught the provoking light of his eye. She flushed, then was cool again, for she was put upon her mettle by the suggestion of his glance. "Come, lazy-bones," she said; "come fetch me currants from the garden." "Come, mocking-bird," answered he; "come peck me on the cheek."

"Why, you must think I'm just wild to try my legs, with a healthy blaze jumping after me; but I'm not, all the same. Come along, Lazy-bones! We're going to have the delightful pleasure of covering those ten miles back again," and Jerry pulled Will to his feet. "Ten miles!" groaned the other dismally, making a pretense of hobbling, as if his muscles had given out.

"What did you reply, Aggie!" asked the older Kenway girl. "'It doesn't matter how much, or how little, money we have, I told her," said Agnes, "'there's no lazy-bones in our family, thank goodness! For Eva told me that Trix's mother doesn't get up till noon and that their house is all at sixes and sevens." "Oh! that sharp tongue of yours," said Ruth, admonishingly.

MAURY: It's attributed, I believe, to General Ludendorff. PARAMORE: Surely you're joking. MAURY: Have another drink. PARAMORE: I oughtn't to. MURIEL: Oh, let's take up the rugs and dance! MURIEL: Come on, you lazy-bones. Get up and move the furniture back. DICK: Wait till I finish my drink. Let's each fill one glass, drink it off and then we'll dance. MURIEL: My head is simply going round now.

"You think that we ought not to break in two this puppet which is called Public Opinion, and sit upon it." A loud and well-known voice roused him unpleasantly from his dreams. Well, well, lazy-bones, still in bed when the sun is risen! You are not thinking then of going away? You go to bed the first, and you get up the last. I, a poor old invalid, am giving you an example of activity.

Parpon, left behind, sat on the fence with his legs drawn up to his chin, looking at Elise, till she turned and caught the provoking light of his eye. She flushed, then was cool again, for she was put upon her mettle by the suggestion of his glance. "Come, lazy-bones," she said; "come fetch me currants from the garden." "Come, mocking-bird," answered he; "come peck me on the cheek."

"Now the thing of it is, will grandpa be as easy? He has such very queer thoughts on some things. Still, he's usu'ly right, too. I've found out that it is lots better to try to help such folks as the Home children 'stead of tramps and hand-organ men, who are only fakes or lazy-bones. There was Petri, now, he made loads of money off of Juiceharpie and Jocko, but he was mean as dirt to both of them.

The child's beautiful face wore a smile of demure satisfaction as Tato bowed respectfully to the young Americans. Kenneth winked at Beth from behind the visitor's back. "As you have a guest," he remarked, with a yawn that was somewhat rude, "I shall now go and take my nap." "What, do you sleep so early in the day, you lazy-bones?" asked Patsy, brightly.

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