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Hugh put up the receiver with a hang, made a dash for his cap, slipped on his sweater, for he knew the night air was cold, and then shot out of doors. Somehow those last few words of Horatio, breathing of mystery as they did, had excited his curiosity until it now reached fever-pitch. As he knew of several short-cuts across lots it took him but a few minutes to arrive at the Juggins home.

So it was with the Belleville rooters; while, of course, the natives were certain the prize was already as good as won by Hugh Morgan; or, it might happen to be, Horatio Juggins, "Just" Smith, or possibly Nick Lang, the last-named looking ever so confident, as he leaned over nearly double in his favorite crouch, his fingertips in contact with the ground, and his knees bent.

'Five years as usual, and hard labour, said Sir Joshua Juggins, wearily. He was tiring of his task. 'Please, my lord, it warn't none of me, came a hoarse whisper from the prisoner at the bar. 'Who asked you to speak? Is that the way to plead? snapped the judge. 'Give him five years also, for contempt of court. William Evans was carried out in hysterics. The plot, the mystery had thickened.

"It sounds pretty fine to me, Hugh," said Julius, "only I don't like one thing." "What's that, Julius?" demanded the Juggins boy. "By following that Juniper Swamp trail and the old road Hugh mentions, we'd have to pass close to that deserted stone quarry; and say, the farmers all vow it's sure haunted."

"She's burying it alive!" cried Juggins, which was a queer thing for a man to say, who had seen the baby lying stark and dead more than thirty hours earlier, but the same thought was in my mind too, and we started forward at a run. The hag had vanished into the jungle like a shadow. Juggins had missed her, he was always a shocking bad shot, but we did not trouble about her.

Sir Joshua Juggins gave a cry of despair. Then mastering himself, he whispered: 'Take that idiot away, and give him penal servitude for life. As I left the court in chains, I heard the next case being called. THE legitimate public interest in the Nownham Mystery suggested to us the propriety of sending one of our young men down to interview all parties. After having visited the Maori King, Mrs.

Why even I know better than that, and I'm only six and a half years old. 'But then you're different, dearie, you've been taught to think about it, and Dad and I have explained it to you, often. 'Yes, I know, replied Frankie confidently. 'But even if you'd never taught me, I'm sure I should have tumbled to it all right by myself; I'm not such a juggins as you think I am.

Horatio Juggins was an elongated chap whose specialty, besides capturing balloon fliers out in right field with wonderful celerity, consisted in great throwing to the home plate, and also some slugging when at bat. Thad Stevens was the catcher, and a good one at that, everybody seemed to believe.

"Certainly not, sir; had she been recognized the thing could never have happened. She must to some extent have altered her dress and her appearance: as to that I have no particulars. The name she actually went in under was Ann Juggins." "Preposterous!" exclaimed the King. "And supposing that were to come out!" "That is the trouble, sir.

"Huh!" snorted Horatio Juggins, skeptically, "I've always heard that ghosts don't mind ordinary birdshot any more'n an alligator would. But then fetch it along, Owen; it'll no doubt make us feel a little better when we find ourselves up in that terribly lonely tract of country. And who knows but what there might be a stray wildcat abroad in those woods.