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She asserted she never heard of Bret Harte being in Tuttletown and feels it to be impossible he ever taught school there. At this ancient hostelry, built of wood and dating back to the early fifties, I dined in company with an old miner, who told me he came across "Jim" Gillis in Alaska. He said: "Gillis was a great josher.

He caught up a billiard ball from the rack, poised it a moment in front of his face, then with a sudden, horrifying distension of his jaws crammed it into his mouth, and shut his lips over it. For an instant McTeague was stupefied, his eyes bulging. Then an enormous laugh shook him. He roared and shouted, swaying in his chair, slapping his knee. What a josher was this Marcus!

Sieppe wiped her forehead with her napkin. "Hey, dere, poy, gif me some more oaf dat what you call 'bubble-water." That was how the waiter had spoken of the champagne "bubble-water." The guests had shouted applause, "Outa sight." He was a heavy josher was that waiter. Bottle after bottle was opened, the women stopping their ears as the corks were drawn.

Babbitt nodded his head at every fifth word in the roaring rhythm; and by the conclusion, in Gunch's renowned humorous vein, he was enchanted: "Still, at that, George, don't know's you can afford it. I've heard your business has been kind of under the eye of the gov'ment since you stole the tail of Eathorne Park and sold it!" "Oh, you're a great little josher, Verg.

"Congress started that there Relief Expedition all right," the josher went on, "only them blamed reindeer had got the feed habit, and when they'd et up everything in sight they set down on the Dalton Trail and there they're settin' yit, just like they was Congress. But I don't like to hear no feller talkin' agin' the Gover'ment."

'John thinks he's a great little josher, Miss Helen, he said lightly. 'No doubt you'll meet Mrs. Murray at lunch; you just watch the way she looks at John Carr! there's the professor waiting for us. John, I'll lay you a bet of another hat! 'Well? asked Carr. 'I'll bet you Jim Courtot has turned up again.

I never saw you before in my life!" said the Judge, annoyed and exasperated to the rare point where his temper overcame his language. "G'wan Jimmy, you little josher! You'll be round chuckin' me under the chin before the lights come on. Gee! There goes the bell again!

"You go and take a long, long look at your bathroom sponge in action, and then come back and I'll talk to you." Baker contemplated his friend for a full ten seconds. Then his fat, pugnacious face wrinkled into a grin. "Stung on the ear by a wasp!" he cried, with a great shout of appreciation. "You merry, merry little josher! You had me going for about five minutes." Bob let it go at that.

This baiting of the city's labor magnate had most agreeably scratched their itching sense of resentment. "I don't know who that josher is, but I hate to lose him out of town," confided the orator on the trough to those near him. "I never saw that fellow before, but I'll pinch him if you say so, Colonel Dodd," volunteered the policeman. "Do you make complaint?"

Say, you think yourself some josher, don't you, telling me you were a kidnapper! You strung me like an onion. So you're really Jimmy Crocker after all? Where was the sense in pulling all that stuff about taking me away and divvying up the ransom? Aw, you make me tired!" The head was withdrawn, and Jimmy heard heavy steps followed by the banging of a door. Peace reigned in the library.