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Why didn't you try him?" "Ah! For that I shall inquire also. I shall conduct investigations in that respect as well. I am inform', 'owever, that the w'at you call jodge is seeck." "We'll look into that later. We're here now to arrange for Mr. Anthony's release." "The alcalde will be please' to accommodate at the earlies'. I myself shall see to it. To-morrow "

Let's get along with the hangin'," one shrill voice demanded. "You won't hang me!" Phillips retorted, angrily. "Be not so sure," taunted the acting judge. "Inasmuch as your countess appears to be constituted of that thin fabric of which dreams are made; inasmuch as there is no such animal " "Hol' up!" came a peremptory challenge. "M'sieu Jodge!"

Mebbe so you better gimme two t'ousan' dollar biffore I b'lieve you. Bien! I go down-town an' win 'noder t'ousan' on de high card, or mebbe so I stick up some feller, den I come back and m'sieu' le jodge he say: 'Dat's fine! Now we let Phillips go home. He don' steal not'in'. Wat I t'ink of dem proceedin's? Eh? I t'ink de jodge is dam' grafter!" Rock laughed heartily.

"He ain't goin' hang himse'f. Mebbe you got pardner w'at lak give you hand, eh?" He raised his head and laughed at the crowd. "Messieurs, you see how 'tis. It tak' brave man to hang a feller lak dis. Some day policeman's goin' come along an' say: 'By Gar, I been lookin' for you long tarn. De new jodge at Dyea he tell me you murder a boy at Sheep Camp.

'Poleon wagged his head in bewilderment. "I don' savvy dis new kin' of law you feller is bring in de country. S'pose I say, 'M'sieu' Jodge, I know dis boy long tam; he don' steal dat gold. De Jodge he say, 'Doret, how much money you got? T'ousand dollar? I say, 'Sure! I got 'bout t'ousand dollar. Den he tell me, 'Wal, dat ain't 'nough.

"You are arrest'." "What for?" "Gentlemen, you will be so kind as to geeve the names, yes? The jodge will desire to make inquiries regarding those sopper to Senor Cortlan' las' night." "What am I arrested for?" Kirk demanded. "Come! You are arrest'. That is enough."