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"You see, sir," replied the sailor, "I've know'd all along of your father's ill-will to Mr Graham and his wife, for I went out with them to Australia, and they tuk a fancy to me, d'ye see, an' so did I to them, so we made it up that we'd jine company, pull in the same boat, so to speak, though it was on the land we was goin' and not the sea.

They shall meet again by Knockers' Llyn, where I seed the Golden Hand, and arter that, never shall little Sinfi go agin you, dear. And never no more shall any one on 'em, Gorgio or Gorgie, bring their gries and their beautiful livin'-waggins among tents o' ourn. Never no more shall they jine our breed never no more, never no more. And then my dukkeripen can't come true.

Now, I propose that, after we've landed, we make a sweep round until we get near the Yanks' camp. Then the rest'll wait and two or three of us'll go in and see if we can't get the young fellows out of wherever they've put 'em. Then we'll jine you and make a running fight of it back to the boat." The others assented.

The Basils repudiate her, and she may jine the Dutch and other foreigners at her pleasure." "That is her only safety," exclaimed Reybold. "I hope to break every string that holds her to yonder barren honor and exhausted soil." He pointed toward Virginia, and hastened away to the Capitol. All the way up the squalid and muddy avenue of that day he mused and wondered: "Who is Fitzhugh?

I give de chile sum tater an' handed it to its mudder, an' tole her to put a sugar rag in its mouf with sum Sweet Flag an' lay it down, an' den I lef to jine de old folks at de house." "Well, Aunt Barbara, I suppose there was nothing very serious the matter with the child," said Mrs. Ridley. "Yas dar was, missus, an' I got dar jus in time. De chile was taken wid de dry gripes.

He felt quite grand as he rode in among the men, who, he thought, would recognize his importance and treat him accordingly; but, as he passed on, instead of paying him the respect he had expected, they began to guy him with all sorts of questions. "Hullo, bud, going to jine the cavalry?" asked one. "Which is oldest; you or your horse?" inquired another. "How's pa and ma?"

I expect he'll come all right, and jine the church one of these days; 'cause there's old Pennel, he prays, fact now, I think there's consid'able in some people's prayers, and he's one of the sort. And you pray, too; and I'm quite sure the good Lord must hear you.

"He's welcome to jine at tea," he said, "and he can work it out arterwards. Where dost come from?" to Frank. Frank hesitated; then he thought of a village several miles beyond Danecross, and answered boldly, "Dinton." "And where art goin'?" "I'm seekin' work," said Frank.

Don't you be too inquis-eye-tive.... No I don't mind tellin' of ye, if it's partic'lar. I'm going to drop round to the Station to shake hands with young Simmun Rowe they've made him Inspector there he's my old pal Jerky Rowe's son I knew from a boy. Man under forty, as I judge. But he won't let me swaller up his time, trust him! Tell Jerry I'll jine him at half-after nine, the very latest."

Their ca'clation was that when we got away up in the Northwest, where it was sometimes cold enough to freeze the tail off a brass monkey, and Dick took his swigs reg'lar like, I'd be sure to knock under and jine him. I couldn't stand it to see him enj'ying such bliss and telling what a lot of good it done him.