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'My underneath goes out to him, Monkey telegraphed to her brother while she asked innocently for 'jam, please, Jimbo'; and he replied, 'Oh, he's all right, I think, but better not go too fast, as he wiped the same article from his chin and caught her big brown eye upon him.

'They saw us long ago, her brother added contemptuously. His voice quavered. Jimbo turned to face them, getting in front of his sister for protection, although she towered above him by a head at least. The Guard, who led the way, they saw now, was a girl a girl not much older than Monkey, with big blue eyes.

'Last stop; all get out here! a Guard was crying in a kind of pleasant singing voice. 'Return journey begins five minutes before the Interfering Sun has risen. Jimbo pinched his sister's arm till she nearly screamed. 'Hear that? he whispered. But Monkey was too absorbed in the doings of the busy passengers to listen or reply.

He could not go further without their will and leadership. But his captivity was utterly delightful to him.... The sound of a deep bell from the Colombier towers floated in to them between the trees. The children sprang from his knees. He rose slowly, a little cramped and stiff. 'Half-past six, said Jimbo. 'We must go back for supper.

"Jimbo, hold on!" it cried, like a faint, thin, pricking current of sound almost unable to reach him through the seas of distance. "I'm coming; hold on a little longer!" It was the governess. She was true to the end. Jimbo felt his heart swell within him. She was mounting, mounting behind him with incredible swiftness.

'It's a railway train, announced Jimbo finally with authority that only just disguised amazement. 'And the passengers are getting out. With a sigh of immense relief he said it. 'You're not in any danger, Monkey, he added. He drew his sister back quickly a dozen steps, and they hid behind a giant spruce to watch.

It's him we have to thank, and he pointed at his cousin. 'It's starlight, of course, he has brought down into us. But Rogers missed the compliment, being busy in a corner with Monkey and Jimbo, playing at mixing colours with startling results. Mother swam across to her old friend, Mile. Lemaire.

'That's the Scaffolding of the Night beginning, he whispered presently, feeling adventure press upon him. 'Oh, I say, said Jimbo, sitting up, and pretending as usual more comprehension than he actually possessed. But his sister instantly asked, 'What is it the Scaffolding of the Night? A sort of cathedral, you mean?

'There are millions of flowers here, Jimbo covered his mistake kindly, 'millions and millions. Aren't there, Monkey? 'Oh, billions. 'Of course, he agreed. 'And more than anywhere else in the whole world. 'It looks like that, said Cousin Henry, as proudly as they said it themselves.

Then, uncertain whether he had said an awfully wise or an awfully foolish thing, he added no more. Anyhow, it was the way a man should talk with decision. 'It's bad enough to be a wife, put in Monkey, 'but it must be worse still to have one! But Jane Anne seemed shocked. A man, Jimbo reflected, can never be sure how his wisdom may affect the other sex; women are not meant to know everything.