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"You come to take your proper place. If you look at me, you will see that you won't have long to wait before you take mine. I can't last much longer, Philip, I feel that. Eighty-two is a good age to have reached. I have had my time, and put the property in order, and now I suppose I must make room. I went with the clerk, old Jakes, and marked out my grave yesterday.

You hurt her feelings last night, and that'll be a good way to make it right with her." "Now look here, mother," John Hunter answered decidedly, "I'll do nothing of the kind. With this story going around we'll stay at home where we belong. Anyhow, the sooner she's cut away from these country jakes the better for her, and I'll begin right here and now.

And will you say I I am looking forward to seeing her again next time I come South?" The speaker moved away into the darkness. At that moment appeared Mouldy Jakes, panting behind a barrow. "Who's that old bird?" he queried. "Another of 'em," replied Thorogood. "'Nother of what?" "Cecily's hopeless attachments. He's a pal of Uncle Bill's, and as rich as Croesus.

She used to consult with Little Ann as to the possible wisdom of putting a drink deterrent privately in his tea. Sometimes it was Mr. Jakes, a depressed little man whose wife had left him, for no special reason he could discover.

Jakes, in the culinary regions, to draw his bath and lay out his things and generally make himself a nuisance. He will not permit Mrs. O'Garrity to dress him." "Oh, now, Captain Leeds well then, Leonard dearie, you bad boy," wailed the old woman reproachfully. "Mr. Jakes has gone to the war, as has likewise all the men in the house, and a good riddance it is, too.

Seeing that he was observed, he staggered into the room with a step which was half drunken and half jaunty, but which belied the conflict of passions written on his brow. He spoke his voice sounded hoarse and hollow, and was ill-tuned to his words. "You did not expect me perhaps wonder how I got here! Jakes let me in; he has got a proper respect for marital rights, has Jakes.

Mouldy Jakes deposited his bags and rug strap on the platform and surveyed the scene with mournful pride. "Good old Navy!" he observed to the India-rubber Man, while Thorogood went in search of food. "Good old firm! Father and mother and ticket collector and supplier of ham-sandwiches to us all. Who wouldn't sell his little farm and go to sea?"

He included the remainder with a wave of his hand, and Sir William acknowledged the informal general introduction with the grave, smiling self-possession of the perfectly bred Englishman. "Now," said his nephew, "what about a cocktail, Uncle Bill?" "Yes," said Mouldy Jakes, sharing with his friend the responsibility of entertaining this eminent guest. "We've got rather a good brand fizzy ones.

'I wish you would let me be serious with you sometimes, Miss Jakes; you'd see I'd quite redeem myself in your eyes. 'Redeem yourself? From what? 'Oh! from all your impression of my frivolity and folly. I can talk about art and literature and the condition of the labouring classes as wisely as anybody, I assure you. He said it so prettily that Althea had to laugh.

Perhaps it was with a grim touch of retribution that she promised herself that since he could think of Althea Jakes, he most certainly should have her. 'Yes, she is proud, said Gerald. 'That's one of the things one so likes in her. She'd never hold out a finger, however much she cared. 'You will have to hold out both hands, said Helen.