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When you have a toothache your whole face and head and even your arms ache. That is because the nerves are irritated. In the same way if one irritates the nerves of the female organs, the whole body may be affected; only in this case it is more serious than with the toothache; for these female organs are more abundantly supplied with nerves.

In Paris and the large towns, the reaction itself carries the physiognomy of its own epoch; it irritates more than it cows; in the country, it becomes low, moan, petty, tiresome, vexatious, in a word, it becomes "gensdarme." It is easily understood how three years of the gensdarme regime, sanctified by the regime of the clergyman, was bound to demoralize unripe masses.

"It's rather late to say all that now." "But it's not too late, is it?" Nora went on eagerly. "I don't know what I do that irritates you so. I can see how competent you are, and I admire you so much. I know how splendid you've been with Eddie. How you've stuck to him through thick and thin. You've done everything for him." Gertie struck her hands violently together and sprang from her chair.

I own a few slaves, and I will sell them to any Northern man or woman at half-price for what I could get from a trader, and they may send them to Liberia. Lord! sir, they'd as soon think of buying the d l himself. You must excuse my strong language, but this subject irritates me. Not long ago, I was in the upper part of the State of New York, looking about me, for I do look about me wherever I am.

"You'll make a good officer some day, Roberts," said the lieutenant, and Bob started, for he did not know he was so near. "Thank you, sir for the compliment," said Bob. "But at present, my lad, you do imitate the bantam cock to such an extent that it irritates grown men." "Do I, sir?" said Bob. "You do indeed, my lad," said the lieutenant kindly.

But with the fate which usually attends the cant phrase of a clique, it seems to be degenerating, by lavish application, into something which irritates without conveying any definite instruction. As Luther did not live under the same conditions as Heinrich Heine, perfect ethical identity was hardly to be expected.

The band-stand was empty, the sun had set; I rose and made my way home through the scattered crowd. Nature is so callous. The Dame irritates one at times by her devotion to her one idea, the propagation of the species. "Multiply and be fruitful; let my world be ever more and more peopled."

The book, in fine, simply irritates the serious-minded person; and she for it is only women who willingly brave the terrors of department-stores, where most of our new books are bought nowadays quite naturally puts it aside in favor of some keen and daring study of American life that is warranted to grip the reader.

I feel terribly dreary in this room to-night; the noise of the little pipe irritates me more than usual, and as Chrysantheme crouches in front of her smoking-box, I suddenly discover in her an air of low breeding, in the very worst sense of the word. I should hate her, my mousme, if she were to entice Yves into committing a fault a fault which I should perhaps never be able to forgive.

They could not persist in live usage because they impinged too solidly upon the circles of meaning represented by the words where, here and there. In saying whither we feel too keenly that we repeat all of where. That we add to where an important nuance of direction irritates rather than satisfies.