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It seeks their relations to the great forward movements of the world, and asks to what quarter of the heavens their faces were set, whether towards the east where the new light dawns, or towards the west after the old light has sunk irrevocably down.

Derby presented a very humble petition on behalf of both, in which he owned, with so exquisite a show of penitence, to having listened to the suggestions of the deceased traitors, and been concerned in "several riotous disturbances" professed himself and his friend to be so abjectly repentant, and so irrevocably faithful for ever henceforward that King Richard, as easily deceived as usual, hastened to pardon the repenting sinners.

But pray tell me, what is it you want of me, for I want to see Mrs St. Felix before dinner-time." "Well, then, Tom, I am in love deeply, desperately, irrevocably, and everlastingly in love." "I wish you well out of it," replied I, with some bitterness. "And pray with whom may you be so dreadfully in love Anny Whistle?" "Anny Whistle! to the winds have I whistled her long ago.

If their minds are made up irrevocably, why burn the 'studious lamp' in search of further confirmation? Every set opinion I hear a student deliver I feel a certain lowering of my regard. He who studies, he who is yet employed in groping for his premises, should keep his mind fluent and sensitive, keen to mark flaws, and willing to surrender untenable positions.

Sarah Brown absently unwrapped the little dinner which she had brought hanging by a thin string from a strangled finger. Mustard sandwiches with just a flavouring of ham, and a painfully orthodox 1918-model bun, made of stubble. Sarah Brown almost always forgot the necessity of food until she was irrevocably in the 'bus on her way to work.

"Well, at least it's better to have the second quality than to go barefoot." "I don't think so. Nan, do wait a little. Don't, in a fit of angry pique over Maryon Rooke, go and bind yourself irrevocably to someone else." "Penny, the bluntness of your methods is deplorable.

When the physician saw that the King was irrevocably resolved to kill him, he wept and lamented the good he had done to the undeserving, blaming himself for having sown in an ungrateful soil and repeating the following verses: Maimouneh has no wit to guide her by, Although her sire among the wise ranks high.

Do you see? Do you? I may be as wrong as you think I am, Mrs. Blair terribly, irrevocably wrong but I wouldn't take her back there into that that sedentary fatness I wouldn't " A musing sort of silence had fallen into a gloom that was thickening into darkness. "The more I see of your case, Lilly, the less I understand it.

A boy! it is really shameful if he should be allowed to fall into the toils of a designing creature to ruin himself irrevocably. Can we not, Brandon?" The worthy barrister felt inclined to laugh, but he answered her entreaties: "From what I hear of the young groom I should imagine the office perilous." "I'm speaking of law, Brandon.

I could not trust myself you may think of the statement as you like I should make her miserable. Last night I had not parted from her an hour, before I was utterly and irrevocably sure of it. My habits are any masters. I believe, he added slowly, his eyes fixed weirdly on something beyond Robert, 'I could even grow to hate what came between me and them! Was it the last word of the man's life?