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Somehow the irrevocability of such a vow, undertaken voluntarily, had not struck her in its full significance until Catherine had quietly, almost tonelessly, in the flat, level voice not infrequently acquired by the religious, affirmed it. "Supposing" Magda looked round the rigidly bare room with a new sense of apprehension "supposing I felt I simply couldn't stand it any longer?

The church was very hot, and the crush of guests great. She listened to the marriage service as a prisoner might listen to his death sentence. The irrevocability of it was anguish to her tortured imagination. And all the while she was conscious vividly, terribly conscious of Tots's presence, Tots's inscrutable scrutiny, Tots's triumph of possession. He would never let her go, she felt.

For they are only beautiful if love informs them. To Nan they were rather terrifying with their suggestion of irrevocability. "So long as ye both shall live . . ." Why, she and Roger were young enough to anticipate thirty or forty years together! Thirty or forty years before death came and released them from each other.

Science had revealed the irrevocability of the laws of nature was man alone to be exempt from them? No. The time would come when it would be as obsolete an absurdity to talk of the temptation of a fiend, as it was now to talk of the wehrwolf, or the angel of the thunder-cloud.

"I could give you everything but that which is life to me, which is being, and soul, and the beginning and the end." The weight of the revealing hour of her life, its wonder, its agony, its irrevocability, was upon her. It was giving new meanings to existence-primitive woman, child of nature as she was.

Not a pound, not a penny of my money, shall find its way into the pockets of Dodson and Fogg. That is my deliberate and irrevocable determination. Mr. Pickwick gave a heavy blow on the table before him, in confirmation of the irrevocability of his intention. 'Very well, my dear Sir, very well, said Perker. 'You know best, of course. 'Of course, replied Mr. Pickwick hastily.

He reminded himself continually that she was Transley's wife, and even while granting the irrevocability of that fact he was demanding to know why Fate had created for them both an atmosphere charged with unspoken possibilities. He had turned her words over again and again, reflecting upon the abrupt angles her speech had taken.

He recognised all the conquests of the Revolution: the civil Code, equality before the law, liberty of worship, irrevocability of the sale of national property, &c. The right of suffrage, however, was limited to those paying a certain amount in taxes. This liberal Constitution was opposed by the ultra-royalists.

Magda felt a sudden stab of fear. The sound of the latch clicking into its place brought home to her the irrevocability of the step she had taken. That tall, self-locking door stood henceforth betwixt her and the dear, familiar world she had known the world of laughter and luxury and success. But beyond, on the far horizon, there was Michael her "Saint Michel."

Datchery should repent, but stopped at a safe distance, on the happy chance of his being uneasy in his mind about it, to goad him with a demon dance expressive of its irrevocability. Mr. Datchery, taking off his hat to give that shock of white hair of his another shake, seemed quite resigned, and betook himself whither he had been directed. Mr.