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Ob coos dat u'd interrup' dar repose." "Well, nigger," rejoined the sailor, in a tone that betokened no very zealous partisanship for either side of the theory, "you may be right, or you may be wrong. I ar'n't goin' to gi'e you the lie, one way or t' other.

Percy, exhibiting a sketch-book under her arm. "I dropped over to get a criticism." "Oh, drawin'-lessons?" said Mr. Percy tolerantly. "Well, don' lemme interrup' ye." He moved as if to withdraw toward the steps, but she detained him with a question. "You're spending the rest of the summer here?" "That depends," he answered tersely. "I hear you have some PASSIONATELY interesting friends."

"You see Ah was right smart glad about the baby, 'n 'bout M'lissy bein' so well, 'n Ah jus' took a little; 'n Pink Pressley was awful aggravatin', 'n Ah jus' 'lowed Ah didn' want nothin' t' interrup' mah joy," he ended, looking up with a humorous twinkle that brought a responsive smile to the severe young face before him.

I only noticed it, an' it set me a thinkin'. Then I sized up their situations. Mrs. Schuyler's dignified an' quiet in her ways, simple in her dress, wears only poils, no other sparklers whatever. Vicky Van's gay of action, likes giddy rags, and adores gorgeous jewelry, even if it ain't the most realest kind. Now, wait don't interrup' me, Lemme talk it out.

"It is for you to keep zat word as I keep mine," Lopez said. Then, to Uncle Henry he went on, "I shall start wiz you. Now, Pedro!" "Si," answered the faithful minion of the bandit, stepping forward. "Remember," his master commanded. "Shoot ze first one which interrup'." "Si," said Pedro again, and grinned broadly and pleasantly.

"Much, I hope, madam, but you must leave me to examine my patient and not interrupt me," said Traverse, passing his hand over the naked chest of the sick man. "Mon Dieu! I know not 'exam' and 'interrup'! and I know not what can you mon frere to save!" "If you don't hush parley-vooing, the doctor can do nothink, mum," said the waiter, in a respectful tone.

'Up I goes to her, and I says, "Why, sister, who's bin a-meddlin' with you? I'll tear the windpipe out o' anybody wot's been a-meddlin' with you." When the girl used the word 'sister' a light broke in upon me. 'Are you Sinfi Lovell? I cried. 'That jist my name, my rei; but as I said afore, I ain't deaf. Jist let Jim pass my beer across and don't interrup' me, please.

An' whin de king uprise, all de congregation crowd round li'l black Mose, an' dey am about leben millium an' a few lift over. Yes, sah; dat de reg'lar annyul Hallowe'en convintion whut li'l black Mose interrup.

Yas, sah; dat de reg'lar annyul Hallowe'en convintion whut li'l' black Mose interrup'. Right dar am all de sperits in de world, an' all de ha'nts in de world, an' all de hobgoblins in de world, an' all de ghouls in de world, an' all de spicters in de world, an' all de ghostes in de world.

I said nothing, 'cause you'd tole me never to interrup' a lady when she was a-talkin'. She kep' on a-talkin' till we got to the Court House, where Mis' Janssen bought a licence. Then we hunted a minister. Bimeby, he ast me if I was willin' to take Sairy Anne Janssen to be my wife " "An' ye said NO, my own Johnnie?" "That's what I done, Uncle Abram.