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We'll be along for you in half an hour. We're dining with the Masters, who have inconsiderately refused to come along. What's happened to you?" "Nothing why?" "Your voice sounds so chipper!" "That shows I'm in a mood to play!" "Then we'll be along in a quarter of an hour." "And I'll be waiting at the garden gate!"

Thus, at least, have I considered the vocation I have chosen, not vainly or inconsiderately, but with a profound conviction of the greatness of my undertaking, and with a depressing consciousness that my power and acquirements may prove inadequate for the attainment of my proposed end.

As there certainly was a great difference between them, both as to their birth and rank, and to their credit, it had been prudent in Talbot to have had recourse to apologies and submission; but such conduct appeared to him base, and unworthy for a man of his importance to submit to: he accordingly acted with haughtiness and insolence; but he was soon convinced of his error; for, having inconsiderately launched out into some arrogant expressions, which it neither became him to utter nor the Duke of Ormond to forgive, he was sent prisoner to the Tower, from whence he could not be released until he had made all necessary submissions to his Grace: he therefore employed all his friends for that purpose, and was obliged to yield more to get out of this scrape than would have been necessary to have avoided it.

Frear inconsiderately neglected to prepare her for his departure, the news of which was conveyed to her in a singular manner, and by none other than Mr. Johnny Tiernan of the tin shop, their conversation throwing some light, not only on Lise's sophistication, but on the admirable and intricate operation of Hampton's city government.

He looked gravely at his brother, as if the latter had solved some difficult problem. "It's a good idea," he said slowly. "I ought to have gone before, but " "The Bishop stopped you most inconsiderately last time." "Did he? I don't remember being stopped. Oh! yes, yes, I do. But if I had gone that day But anyhow I will go to-day."

"The salary of three hundred pounds," adds Dr. Farr, "which had been left for the purpose, was the temptation." This was probably one of many dreamy projects with which his fervid brain was apt to teem. On such subjects he was prone to talk vaguely and magnificently, but inconsiderately, from a kindled imagination rather than a well-instructed judgment.

My headquarters camp frequently received shots from the point of Lookout Mountain also, but fortunately no casualties resulted from this plunging fire, though, I am free to confess, at first our nerves were often upset by the whirring of twenty-pounder shells dropped inconsiderately into our camp at untimely hours of the night.

You inconsiderately expressed two different opinions, and since you cannot control your tongue, which is most undoubtedly your own, I have no power over it, I, to whom it does not want to belong."

At last the great grey eyes turned from the fire, and Rivers sat up in his chair, as he said, "You must have seen how inconsiderately I have allowed my depression to dismiss the courtesies of life. I owe you and my dear Mrs. Penhallow both an apology and an explanation." "But really, Mark " "Oh, let me go on. I have long wanted to talk myself out, and as often my courage has failed.

Frear inconsiderately neglected to prepare her for his departure, the news of which was conveyed to her in a singular manner, and by none other than Mr. Johnny Tiernan of the tin shop, their conversation throwing some light, not only on Lise's sophistication, but on the admirable and intricate operation of Hampton's city government.