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"Laugh at my brogue if you wish, I will not break your bones," she said good-humoredly, making use of an ancient Irish expression. "I am most Celtic when serious. Ah, well! Perhaps it is petty in us even to be discussing the Sans, since we can say nothing good of them." "That is their fault; not ours," Lucy Warner said incisively.

Meyerburg walked directly to the small deal table there beside her bed and still littered with half-curled blue-prints. These she gathered into a tight roll, snapping a rubber band about it. She rang incisively the fourth of the row of bells. A man-servant responded almost immediately with a light rap-a-tap at the door. She was there and waiting.

"And you are giving it all up for Ruth," said the Bishop incisively. "Does it hurt?" The boy winced, but caught himself at once. "It don't make any difference about that. I want Ruth." "And Ruth? What does she want?" the Bishop asked. "You are offering to make a sacrifice for her. You are willing to give up your hopes and work yourself to the bone here on these hills for her.

If a mermaid were to swim up to the surface under their very eyes, would she be more wonderful than the actual scene the black rocks, the sobbing water? "Folks," said Annet, incisively, "that laugh at stories about Piper's Hole, ought to come and see the place for themselves." "Yes," Matthew Henry agreed; "and after that they can begin to talk."

Nevertheless the time passed pleasantly enough; and when the hands of the clock pointed to the hour of eleven, the lady rose to her feet and remarked incisively: "My coach will be here immediately, if the varlets play me not false. The bride, bridegroom, and the bride's father shall drive with me. I mean to see the maiden's house before I return to mine own."

And though in the elderly lady's voice there was weariness and distaste, the words were spoken slowly and incisively. Upon this Gubin tried to murmur something or another, but again his utterance failed to edge its way into his interlocutor's measured periods: "No great achievement is it," she said, "to condemn a fellow creature. For always it is easy to sit in judgment upon our fellows.

The boy's voice quivered, and almost broke, and his eyes constantly sought the white face on the hay. It was then that Simeon Holly awoke to the sudden realization that it was time for action. He turned to his wife. "Take the boy to the house," he directed incisively. "We'll have to keep him to-night, I suppose. I'll go for Higgins.

Danny broke the silence incisively. "I promised them their requests would be carefully heeded," he said. "Give him the liquor." Somebody passed up a flask. Charley raised it as high as he could, but was prevented by the rope from getting it quite to his lips. "You " he yelled at the man who held the rope. "Slack off that rope and let a man take a parting drink, can't you?"

"I see it isn't," agreed Grace. Being a lone rider the Overlanders knew they were safe from trouble so far as he was concerned, but they observed the rider narrowly as he neared the camp. "Ping! Fetch water!" ordered Grace incisively. "That man and horse are exhausted."

'Believe me, my girl, said her father, incisively, 'the simpler thing would be to hold aloof from such people as use the profession in a spirit of unalloyed selfishness, who seek only material advancement, and who, whatever connection they form, have nothing but self-interest in view. And he glared at her with much meaning.