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He announces in this piece that he will write no more, that nothing in the world will induce him to, if angels from Heaven or, what's more, all the best society were to implore him to change his mind.

Ivan, morning and evening, with his generals, entered the church to implore the blessing of God upon his enterprise. In no other way could he rescue Russia from the invasion of these barbarians, than by thus appealing to the energies of the sword. In the contemplation of such a tragedy, the mind struggles in bewilderment, and can only say, "Be still and know that I am God." From 1552 to 1557.

Thou knowest his warlike temper; and though in a contest popular in England we need fear no foe, yet thou knowest also that no subsidies could be raised for strife with our most profitable commercial ally. Wherefore we earnestly implore thee magnanimously to forgive the past, accept Edward's assurance of repentance, and be thy thought as it has been ever the weal of our common country."

You would have been every day a welcome guest in this room, and it was unnecessary for you to wait for a particular day in accordance with an agreement made five years ago." "Your answer is an evasive one," said the baron, sadly. "I implore you, let us now again speak as frankly and honestly as we did five years ago to-day! Will you grant my prayer?"

No matter, I am waiting for this message: I suppose it is a petition to implore my mercy for the men who have dared to reach to a power that I hold only from God."

"The Princess von Steinheimer is waiting for me in her carriage outside, and I do not wish to delay her any longer." "Then let me implore you not to give up your researches." "Why? Amateur efforts are so futile, you know, when compared with the labours of the regular force." "Oh, my dear young lady, you must pardon an old man for what he said in a thoughtless moment.

Here I am your Eminence's prisoner I implore you to send the order at once!" The cardinal had hitherto maintained a grave expression. His features suddenly relaxed and he put out his hand. "My dear Monsieur Gouache, I like you exceedingly," he said. "You are a man of heart."

I was alarmed, so came to inquire what had happened. You'll pardon me, I'm sure." "Say you don't, Jack, I implore you, and let me apologize for you," pleaded Hart. "Doris, this is my good friend, Wally Hart," smiled Grant. "Won't you sit down? We have an exciting story for you." "Father will be horribly anxious if he knows I have gone out."

You ought to see in this fresh reason to join your prayers to those of the Church which offers to God the holy sacrifice of the mass, to implore his mercy in favor of so deep a repentance." The services went on. Veronique, lying on the bed, followed them with a look of such inward contentment that she seemed, to every eye, no longer the same woman.

When this is done, both priests and people offer up very solemn prayers to God in a set form of words; and these are so composed, that whatsoever is pronounced by the whole assembly may be likewise applied by every man in particular to his own condition; in these they acknowledge God to be the author and governor of the world, and the fountain of all the good they receive, and therefore offer up to Him their thanksgiving; and in particular bless Him for His goodness in ordering it so, that they are born under the happiest government in the world, and are of a religion which they hope is the truest of all others: but if they are mistaken, and if there is either a better government or a religion more acceptable to God, they implore His goodness to let them know it, vowing that they resolve to follow Him whithersoever He leads them.