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John of the Cross; this, the Beatrice of Dante, the Gabriel of Mahomet, the Master Peter of Roger Bacon, the Seraphita of Balzac, the radiant companion of Whitman, and the I of Edward Carpenter. The light would have killed one who had not integrated spiritual light to reflect it. The light of the Illuminati is terrible to eyes filled with evil.

Men, numerous enough, closed this cortege, tapers in their hands, heads uncovered but there were especially gray hairs, faces with expressions vanquished and resigned, heads of old men. Gracieuse, holding high the banner of the Virgin, became at this hour one of the Illuminati; she felt as if she were marching, as after death, toward the celestial tabernacles.

Marshal Macdonald Union of the Papal States with the Empire The battle of Talavera Sir Arthur Wellesley English expedition to Holland Attempt to assassinate the Emperor at Schoenbrunn Staps Interrogated by Napoleon Pardon offered and rejected Fanaticism and patriotism Corvisart's examination of Staps Second interrogatory Tirade against the illuminati Accusation of the Courts of Berlin and Weimar Firmness and resignation of Staps Particulars respecting his death Influence of the attempt of Staps on the conclusion of peace M. de Champagny.

Every cursed member of the Illuminati becomes one of the blessed when you lead him from the path of vice in penitence and contrition, and gain him to the Order of the Rosicrucians; and he who can prove that he has gained twelve new members for our holy order mounts a round higher in the ladder of knowledge, and rises to a new degree.

The monasteries were closed, the punishment of the rack was abolished, unity was introduced in the administration of the state; the schools, the police, and the roads were improved, toleration was established; in a word, the dreams of the Illuminati, thirty years before this period, were, in almost every respect, realized.

At the sixth grade he passes from the Inner to the Middle Temple, where all the secrets of the universe and of Nature are disclosed. Be mindful of this, and recruit. Until we meet again, let the watchword be, 'Curses and persecution for the devil's offspring, the Illuminati!" "Curses and persecution for the devil's offspring, the Illuminati, we swear!" "Now depart!

The religion of Persia, wrongly alluded to as "fire-worship," marks Zoroaster as among the Illuminati, but as the present volume is concerned, in the religious aspect of it, only with those cases of Illumination which we are classifying among the present great religious systems, we cite the case of Mohammed, the Arab, as one clearly establishing the characteristic points of Illumination.

The Emperor put the following questions to Staps, which I translated, together with the answers: "'Where do you come from? 'From Narremburgh. 'What is your father? 'A Protestant minister. 'How old are you? 'Eighteen. 'What did you intend to do with your knife? 'To kill you. 'You are mad, young man; you are one of the illuminati? 'I am not mad; I know not what is meant by the illuminati! 'You are ill, then? 'I am not; I am very well. 'Why did you wish to kill me? 'Because you have ruined my country. 'Have I done you any harm? 'Yes, you have harmed me as well as all Germans. 'By whom were you sent?

Again, had my title borne, 'Waverley, a Romance from the German, what head so obtuse as not to image forth a profligate abbot, an oppressive duke, a secret and mysterious association of Rosycrucians and Illuminati, with all their properties of black cowls, caverns, daggers, electrical machines, trap-doors, and dark-lanterns?

A circumstance which occasioned alarm was the discovery that he belonged to a sect of German illuminati, called Martinists, a society of superstitious independents. His audacity had never failed him in prison. It was imagined for a moment that the spirit of equality had penetrated into Russia. At any rate he did not impeach any accomplices. At this crisis his father arrived.