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No unusual storms, however, happened. Bodin, to save the reputation of the art, applied it as a figure to some revolutions in the state, of which there were instances enough at that time. At the commencement of the 18th century, the Illuminati, a sect of astrologers, had excited considerable sensation on the continent.

He is their Baal, before whom they hope to oblige all nations upon earth to prostrate themselves as soon as infidelity has entirely banished Christianity; for the Illuminati do not expect to reign till the last Christian is buried under the rubbish of the last altar of Christ. It is not the fault of Montgelas if such an event has not already occurred in the Electorate of Bavaria.

It was plain that they belonged to some kind of secret association; and before he had been long in Pianura he learned that the society of the Illuminati, that bugbear of priests and princes, was supposed to have agents at work in the duchy.

Wickes gathered the following facts of history mainly from the Encyclopædia of Religious Knowledge, under the articles headed Philosophists and Illuminati. I will quote his own language, as it is very pointed.

In vain does the Russian statute-book condemn false prophets and lying miracles: from time to time the country is overrun by illuminati proclaiming the Second Advent, and occasionally giving themselves out as the expected Messiah. They are frequently accompanied by a woman, who plays the part of mystical mother or spouse, and to whom they give the title of the Mother of God or the Blessed Virgin.

Luys repeated, with others that bear upon them." Hypnotism, or animal magnetism, has been a little more than a hundred years despised and rejected by the doctors. It was discovered by a Viennese, Mesmer, who belonged to that curious branch of the Freemasons, the Illuminati.

Reference can only be made to these things as well-established facts. "It is important here to bear in mind one or two facts, in order to realize what an engine of corruption this secret organization of the Illuminati was. One fact is, the high popularity which these secret societies at that period enjoyed. It was unbounded.

There exists hardly a single German Prince whose Ministers, courtiers and counsellors are not numbered, and have long been notorious among the anti-social conspirators, the Illuminati: most of them are knaves of abilities, who have usurped the easy direction of ignorance, or forced themselves as guides on weakness or folly, which bow to their charlatanism as if it was sublimity, and hail their sophistry and imposture as inspiration.

"Men shall hear me and heed me," Abner declared stoutly. The reading public a body rather captious and blase, possibly overlooked his rugged diction in favour of his novel point of view; and when word was passed around that the new author was actually in town a number of the illuminati expressed their gracious desire to meet him.

The author of "Nightmare Abbey" seized on some points of his character and some habits of his life when he painted Scythrop. He was not addicted to 'port or madeira, but in youth he had read of 'Illuminati and Eleutherarchs, and believed that he possessed the power of operating an immediate change in the minds of men and the state of society.