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"We are speaking the truth. Let us wash our faces and take off our cloaks, and you'll see we are. Oh, we'll never do it again!" And before the doctor could reply, or the scandalised constables could prevent it, the two gipsies cast off their outer garments, and presented themselves to the bewildered spectators in the mud-stained jerseys and knickerbockers of the Holmhurst football club!

Augusta blushed at the insinuation, and said nothing. At ten o'clock, just as they were half through breakfast, there came a ring at the bell. "Here he is," said Lady Holmhurst, clapping her hands. "Well, if this isn't the very funniest thing that I ever heard of! I told Jones to show him in here."

"I hear from Lady Holmhurst," he said, "that you two young people are going to take the preliminary step um towards a possible future appearance in that Court with which I had for many years the honor of being connected that is, that you are going to get married.

He read trashy novels, and believed every word of them, and, like poor Don Quixote of old, he let any one who liked make a fool of him, if he only took the trouble to get at his weak side. I need hardly say the fellows at Holmhurst were not long in discovering that weak side and getting plenty of fun out of Alexander Magnus.

Augusta took her hand, and they began to talk of that great bereavement and of their own wonderful survival, till at last she led the conversation round to little Dick, and Bessie Holmhurst smiled again at the thought that her darling boy, her only child, was safe asleep up stairs, and not, as she had believed, washing to and fro at the bottom of the ocean.

He was accompanied by a pretty fair-haired woman very becomingly dressed. "Excuse me; Miss Smithers, I believe?" he said, with a bow. "Yes." "I am Captain Alton. I hope you like your new cabin. Let me introduce you to Lady Holmhurst, wife of Lord Holmhurst, the New Zealand Governor, you know. Lady Holmhurst, this is Miss Smithers, whose book you were talking so much about." "Oh!

"No, indeed, she is not," said Lady Holmhurst; "she is going to stop with me and Dick. Miss Smithers saved Dick's life, you know, when the nurse, poor thing, had run away. And now, dear, you had better tell Mr. Meeson about the will." "The will. What will?" asked Eustace. "Listen, and you will hear."

Lady Holmhurst, who was getting very hungry, said that she should be most pleased, and, accordingly, they all with the exception of Mr.

However, there was no help for it; so, throwing a shawl over her shoulders, she descended. "My dear, do let me see," said Lady Holmhurst, as soon as the servant had left the room. With a sigh Augusta uncovered her shoulders, and her friend ran round the table to look at them. There, on her neck, was the will.

Lord Holmhurst, who, when he was not deep in the affairs of State, had a considerable eye for a pretty girl and what man worthy of the name has not? bowed most politely, and was proceeding to tell Augusta, in very charming language, how delighted he was to make her acquaintance, when Mr. Meeson arrived on the scene and perceived Augusta for the first time.