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"Drink it," he shouted, "or I'll brain you." "Howl him," said Teddy "howl him; there's murdher in his eye. My soul to happiness but he'll kill her." "Will he, indeed?" said Bat, with a loud laugh, in which he was joined by Ned "will he, indeed?" they shouted. "Go on, Kate, you'll get fair play if you want it his eye, Teddy! ay, but look at her's, man alive look at her altogether!

"But they are both very nice girls there is no doubt as to that no nonsense about them so full of spirits and fun, and yet so lady-like and quite, and I heard Emily's voice, when joining in the prayer, it was so true and earnest." "I was nearest Mary, and was struck by the genuine tone of her's," observed Donald.

Her father had come from London expressly to see her: she died in his arms, and, I hear, he is almost in a state of frenzy." The host and hostess signified their commiseration. "Poor little girl!" said the latter, wiping her eyes; "her's was a hard fate, and she felt it, child as she was. Without the care of a mother, and such a father! Yet he was fond of her."

Elton looked as if he did not very well know what answer to make; which was exactly the case; for though very much gratified by the kind care of such a fair lady, and not liking to resist any advice of her's, he had not really the least inclination to give up the visit; but Emma, too eager and busy in her own previous conceptions and views to hear him impartially, or see him with clear vision, was very well satisfied with his muttering acknowledgment of its being "very cold, certainly very cold," and walked on, rejoicing in having extricated him from Randalls, and secured him the power of sending to inquire after Harriet every hour of the evening.

Methinks I see an old birding-piece on yonder hooks, which, with a brace of slugs in it and a bold man behind it, might bring down one of these fine birds for all their gay feathers. 'Her's been a true mate to me for more'n thirty year, said the old man, the tears coursing down his wrinkled cheeks. 'Thirty zeed-toimes and thirty harvests we've worked together.

I Why, child, what is the matter with you? What ails you, Druse?" She took Druse's hot little hand in her's and led her to the mirror. Druse looked at herself with dull, sick eyes; her usually pallid face was crimson, and beneath the skin, purplish angry discolorations appeared in the flesh. "I guess I'm goin' to be sick," she said, with a despairing cadence.

She was as vivacious and light of heart as a feathery summer cloud; and, I was about to say, reminding one of a butterfly; but there was nothing of the sedate, slow, hovery movement of that beautiful insect. Her's was an extremely animated, aggressive daintiness.

This day I sent my cozen Edward Pepys his Lady, at my cozen Turner's, a piece of venison given me yesterday, and Madam Turner I sent for a dozen bottles of her's, to fill with wine for her. This day I met with Pierce the surgeon, who tells me that the King has made peace between Mr.

He brought to mind the time when the sight of the sea animated his youth with the desire of plunging into her waves, and measuring his force against her's. "Why," said he to himself, with the most bitter regret, "why do I yield so unremittingly to reflection? How many pleasures are there in active life, in those exercises which make us feel the energy of existence?

He gave a loud-sounding and hearty sniff, and smacked his lips after it. Rachel seemed to linger a little at the door. "Come in," said Fuller, "come in. There's nobody here as bites. Beest come to see Ruth? I doubt if her's about as yet. We ode uns bin twice as early risin' as the young uns, nowadaysen. Wait a bit and I'll gi'e her a bit of a chi-hike. Her'll be down in a minute."