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"Shall I take him to the house or do you want to examine him?" "I?" ejaculated Mr. Hepplewhite. "Mercy, no! Take him away as quickly as possible!" "As you say, sir," wheezed the captain. "Come along, boys! Take him over to court and arraign him!" "Yes, do!" urged Mrs. Witherspoon. "And arraign him as hard as you can; for he really frightened me nearly to death, the terrible man!"

"There is a young man outside who asked me to tell you that he has a paper he wishes to serve on you and would you mind saving him the trouble of waiting for you to go out?" "Another!" gagged Mr. Hepplewhite. "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir," stammered Bibby. Mr. Hepplewhite looked inquiringly at Mr. Edgerton and rose feebly. "He'll get you sooner or later," declared the lawyer.

But with Ephraim Tutt breathing fire and slaughter, accusing the police and district attorney of being trucklers to the rich and great, and oppressors of the poor law breakers, in fact O'Brien found himself in the position of one having an elephant by the tail and unable to let go. In fact, it looked as if the case of the Hepplewhite Tramp might become a political issue.

Sideboard Low, broad, after Hepplewhite or Sheraton, a Welsh dresser with Windsor chairs. Do not use delicate lace runners or doilies. Mirror or Mellow, dark-toned painting Framed in antique gilt or to correspond with the wood of the furniture selected, and hung on level with the eye, directly in the center and over the sideboard.

Hepplewhite proceeded to court flanked by his distinguished counsel in frock coats and tall hats simply because he had been served with a dirty-brown subpoena by Tutt & Tutt; and his distress was not lessened by the crowd of reporters who joined him at the entrance of the Criminal Courts Building; or by the flashlight bomb that was exploded in the corridor in order that the evening papers might reproduce his picture on the front page.

O'Brien, catching the judge's eye, made a wry face and imperceptibly lowered his left lid on the side away from the jury, thus officially indicating that, of course, the case was a lemon but that there was nothing that could be done except to try it out to the bitter end. Then he rose and called out unexpectedly: "Mr. John De Puyster Hepplewhite take the stand!" It was entirely unexpected.

"I wish we had, counselor!" assented the captain of the Hepplewhite precinct mournfully. "But we thought he was a burglar. I guess he was, at that and it was Mr. Hepplewhite's house." "I've heard that until I'm sick of it!" retorted Peckham. "One thing is sure if we turn him out now Tutt will sue us all for false arrest and put the whole administration on the bum," snarled O'Brien.

The glass was covered with a graceful design in moldings, and the pediments were of various shapes, the swan-neck being a favorite. Sideboards were built on very much the lines of those made by Shearer and Hepplewhite. There were drawers and cupboards for various uses. The knife-boxes to put on the top came in sets of two, and sometimes there was a third box.

His paneled walls, however, have great dignity and purity of line and feeling, and the applied ornament was really an ornament, and not a disfigurement as too often happens in our day. With Adam one feels the surety of knowledge and the refinement of good taste led by a high ideal. Hepplewhite

Hepplewhite, and the clanging gong of a police wagon was audible as it clattered up the Avenue. "Oh, Mr. Hepplewhite," whispered Mrs. Witherspoon, unconsciously seeking his hand. "I never was so frightened in my life!" Then the gong stopped and the police poured into the house and up the stairs. There were muffled noises and suppressed ejaculations of "Aw, come on there, now! I've got him, Mike!