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The rays fell upon a group of male figures gathered upon the gravel in front, who, when they saw the newly-married couple in the porch, set up a loud "Hurrah!" and at the same moment bang again went the cannon in the background, followed by a hideous clang of music from a drum, tambourine, clarionet, serpent, hautboy, tenor-viol, and double-bass the only remaining relics of the true and original Weatherbury band venerable worm-eaten instruments, which had celebrated in their own persons the victories of Marlborough, under the fingers of the forefathers of those who played them now.

As it had happened that Crocker, who as well as Roden was a Post Office Clerk, had appeared as a guest at Castle Hautboy, it had been natural that he should speak of his office companion to a man who was notoriously that companion's friend. Hampstead did not quite believe in the pretended intimacy, having heard Roden declare that he had not as yet formed any peculiar friendship at the Office.

Don't you remember him at Castle Hautboy?" "Not in the least. But he told me that he had been there." "He never would leave me. He absolutely drove me out of the country because he would follow me about when we were hunting. He insulted me so grievously that I had to turn tail and run away from him. What did he want of me?" "To intercede for him with George Roden."

"Well, this is a bad night altogether for them that have done well in their time; and if I were ever such a dab at the hautboy or tenor-viol, I shouldn't have the heart to play tunes upon 'em now." Susan now arrived with the frying-pan, when the live adder was killed and the heads of the three taken off.

Nothing could be so good as inviting me down here to Castle Hautboy." "That was done for Fanny's sake. But have I said one word to you about your terrible name?" "No, indeed; and now, Lady Persiflage, pray go on and be good to the end." "Yes," she said, "I will be good to the end, before all the people down-stairs. I haven't said a word of it even to Fanny. Fanny is an angel."

After landing, the shepherdesses I have mentioned before received the company in separate troops, with songs and dances, after the fashion and accompanied by the music of the provinces they represented, the Poitevins playing on bagpipes; the Provencales on the viol and cymbal; the Burgundians and Champagners on the hautboy, bass viol, and tambourine; in like manner the Bretons and other provincialists.

"Yes; and they keep their horses in Northamptonshire. Lord Hautboy does his hunting there. The Earl, I think, never comes out now." "I dare say not. He has all the foreign nations to look after." "I suppose he has his hands pretty full," said Mr. Amblethwaite. "I know I have mine just at this time of the year. Where do you think these hounds ran their fox to last Friday?

As he could not get as far as Castle Hautboy, partly, perhaps, because he did not especially like the omnium-gatherum mode of living which prevailed there, it had been arranged that he should give up two days early in December to meet the lady of his love under her aunt's roof at Trafford Park.

It suited young Hautboy very well to have free stables for his horses, and occasionally an extra mount when his own two steeds were insufficient for the necessary amount of hunting to be performed. Vivian, who had the liberal allowance of a private secretary to a Cabinet Minister to fall back upon, had three horses of his own.

Lady Persiflage therefore wrote to George Roden, Esq., at the General Post Office. In this letter it was signified that Lord Persiflage was very anxious to make the acquaintance of Mr. Roden. Lady Persiflage was also very anxious. Lady Persiflage explained that she was aware of, Well! Lady Frances Trafford was to be at Castle Hautboy, and that she thought might act as an inducement to Mr. Roden.