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They said the house was nothing remarkable a large square building, but the park was original. Comte Foy is a racing man, breeds horses, and has his "haras" on his place. The park is all cut up into paddocks, each one separated from the other by a hedge and all connected by green paths.

DOÑA MATILDE. Alguien ha de lavar lo que emporquemos, sin embargo. DON EDUARDO. Preciso ... pero lo harás . DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Yo! DON EDUARDO. ¿Quién quieres que lo haga en tanto que no tengamos con qué pagar a otra mujer? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Y se me llenarán de grietas!

My father repeatedly tried to turn the conversation from himself, but Mrs. Humdrum and Yram wanted to know about Nna Haras, as they persisted in calling my mother how she endured her terrible experiences in the balloon, when she and my father were married, all about my unworthy self, and England generally.

Besides the troops quartered in the provinces and receiving regular pay, the haras or royal guard of Mamlukes, whose commander was one of the principal officers of the court, was augmented to 5000 horse and 1000 foot, all Christians or foreigners by birth, who occupied barracks close to the royal palace, and constantly mounted guard at the gates.

There is a special journal, La France Chevaline, which represents the interests of the "trot," and its development has been further encouraged by an appropriation of sixty thousand francs voted this year by the Chamber. A former officer of the Haras has also set up an establishment at Vire for the training of trotters.

I have found employment here in the haras of a French nobleman, where my experience is valued. But, my dear Sir, the wages are so exceedingly unsuitable that I would be ashamed to mention them, which makes your remittances the more necessary to my daughter's comfort, though I daresay the sight of old friends would be still better. "My dear Sir, "Your affectionate obedient servant,

The French nobleman has proved a person of the most filthy avarice of character, and I have been necessitate to leave the haras. You will find us in consequence a little poorly lodged in the auberge of a man Bazin on the dunes; but the situation is caller, and I make no doubt but we might spend some very pleasant days, when Mr.

The administration of the Haras and the Society for the Encouragement of the Raising of Horses of Half-blood have established special meetings at which trotting-prizes are given. That these are by no means to be despised has been proved by M. Jouben's Norman trotter Tentateur, who last year earned for his owner twenty thousand francs without the bets.

MARQUESA. Harás muy mal ... que si no se pide a las amigas cuando no se tiene que llevar a la boca, no yo cuándo se ha de pedir ... y yo lo he sido tuya, Matilde ... no de las íntimas ... pero ... pero siempre te he querido bien ... ya lo sabes ... y te lo voy a probar ahora mismo ... allí tengo en casa cuatro docenas de camisas de batista sin hacer del agua, y te las enviaré....

There you may see, to your surprise, not only gentlemen, but ladies, taking their pleasure on horseback after the English fashion; for there is close by a great 'haras, or Government establishment for horse-breeding.