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Moor Cottage, where your sister and Wiltmar lived, is surrounded by wide stretches of open not like this, to be sure, but not half-bad in its way, either." "Dolly grew to love that place, though she did write homesick letters at first. I was going over, after my coming out and then came that awful accident, when she and Wiltmar were both drowned and, of course, there was nothing to go for.

Tell you what, though, I shouldn't mind the diplomatic service. One of these days, I shall have a dash at asking my uncle to put up the money. I believe I shouldn't be half-bad at that. I'm rather a quick sort of chap at times, you know. Lots of fellows have said so." He cleared his throat modestly, and proceeded. "It isn't only my Uncle Thomas," he said. "There's Aunt Julia, too.

Conway, softly, "this isn't a half-bad old world, even if a fellow does grow old, and finds himself hairless and childless and half broke and shackled to the worst automobile in the world, bar none. And do you know why it isn't such a rotten world as some folks claim? No? Well, I'll tell you, purp. It's because it keeps a-movin'. And do you know what keeps it a-movin'? Purp, it's love!"

When men were earning their bread by the sweat of their brows they were not always sure of getting a surplus of it, and that was not a half-bad thing. In fact, it was far better for the race than present conditions under which so many men have given up physical work altogether. But instead of cutting down on their food they double up on it.

It is largely a question of geography; the Englishman expresses rapture by the phrase "not half-bad" where the foreigner piles superlative on superlative of gush. It is our quality and our defect that we have a strange shyness, which prevents the exhibition of emotion for fear of ridicule.

That is my only excuse for coming." "Did you need an excuse?" "That, or an invitation." "Oh, I never thought of you as as " "As a man?" How to answer this? Then finally she said, "As caring to waste an evening." "Would it be a waste? There is an old adage that one might adapt, then, 'A wilful waste makes a woful want. Want is a bad thing, so economy would not be a half-bad idea.

Everybody does." "It's a curious kind of lonesomeness; but, all right, I will." "Thorndike, isn't that Plug you're riding an assert of the scrap you and Buffalo Bill had with the late Blake Haskins and his pal a few months back?" "Yes, this is Mongrel and not a half-bad horse, either." "I've noticed he keeps up his lick first-rate. Say isn't it a gaudy morning?" "Right you are!"

Campbell had not tasted either food or liquid since early the day before, and his eyes were moist as they stared at the two bottles. "Set his hands free," said Hovey, "so that the chief can drink. We ain't half-bad fellers, Campbell; but we've got good cause for raisin' the hell you've seen on the Heron."

She half sat, half leaned on the slope of the rock, well under cover, while he stretched himself at full length on a higher ledge, and held the bridles fast. The horses' heads and the saddles were fairly well protected, but the hindquarters of the animals were presently streaming with water. "This isn't half-bad, is it?" Clarence said.

"She ain't really fit to ride a step," confided the Scotch boss with growing confidence. "But she's been going up two or three times now to get some medicine from Doc Torpy that's the way of it. There's a nice girl, sir in a bunch o' ruffians, I know though old Duke, she lives with, he ain't a half-bad man except for too many cards; I used to work for him but I call her a nice girl.